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== General Information ==
{{Town Meeting Header}}

=== General Information ===
* Official Town Meeting [https://www.lexingtonma.gov/565/Town-Meeting web page]
* Town Meeting [http://www.lexingtonma.gov/towngovernment/abouttm.cfm Warrants and Reports]. Historic Warrants, Minutes and Reports can be found on the [http://records.lexingtonma.gov/weblink8/Browse.aspx?dbid=0 Town Records] web site.
* Town Meeting [http://www.lexingtonma.gov/towngovernment/abouttm.cfm Warrants and Reports]. Historic Warrants, Minutes and Reports can be found on the [http://records.lexingtonma.gov/weblink8/Browse.aspx?dbid=0 Town Records] web site.
* List of [http://www.lexingtontmma.org/index.php?n=Main.Members Town Meeting members]  
* List of [http://www.lexingtontmma.org/index.php?n=Main.Members Town Meeting members]  
* Self-reported Town Meeting member [http://www.lexingtontmma.org/index.php?n=Main.VotingReports Voting Records], for years starting with 2009.
* Self-reported Town Meeting member [http://www.lexingtontmma.org/index.php?n=Main.VotingReports Voting Records], for years starting with 2009.
* Lexington [http://ecode360.com/LE1818 bylaws]
* Lexington [http://ecode360.com/LE1818 bylaws]
* The [mailto:lex-tmma@yahoogroups.com lex-tmma@yahoogroups.com] mailing list. This mailing list allows posts from Town Meeting members and other town officials only, but its [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lex-tmma archives] are viewable by anyone.
* The [mailto:LexTMMA@googlegroups.com LexTMMA@googlegroups.com] mailing list. This mailing list allows posts from Town Meeting members and other town officials only, but its [https://groups.google.com/g/lextmma archives] are viewable by anyone.  
* [[Media:TMinLexington1208.pdf|Town Meeting In Lexington]], pamphlet prepared to guide town meeting members and candidates (Dec 2008 edition).
**[http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lex-tmma Archive] of old Town Meeting mailing list is not available anymore.
* How does Town Meeting function?
== Year 2013 ==
** An introduction is found in [[Media:TMinLex2015v2.pdf|Town Meeting In Lexington]] (2015 version), a pamphlet of the TMMA and the League of Women Voters. Here is also a [[Town_Meeting:Town_Meeting_in_Lexington|wiki version of Town Meeting In Lexington]].
** The authority on Town Meeting function is found in [http://ecode360.com/10535267 Chap. 118, Town Meetings], in the Lexington Bylaws. The bylaw specifies rules of debate, and provides  [http://www.bartleby.com/176 Roberts Rules of Order] as a resource for further rules not otherwise covered in the bylaw.
* TMMA web page for the [http://www.lexingtontmma.org/index.php?n=Main.CurrentTM Annual and Special Town Meetings]
** The MA Secretary of State [http://www.sec.state.ma.us/cis/cistwn/twnidx.htm Citizen’s Guide to Town Meetings].
** The Mass. Moderators Association volume [https://www.amazon.com/Town-meeting-time-handbook-parliamentary/dp/0971167907 Town Meeting Time: A Handbook of Parliamentary Law], ISBN 978-0971167902
=== Special Town Meeting (Nov 4) ===
** [[Media:HowtoRunforTownMeetingFinal.pdf|How to run for Town Meeting]], TMMA pamphlet (Dec 2013)
* Official web page of the [http://www.lexingtonma.gov/towngovernment/nov2013specialtm.cfm Special Town Meeting]
* [http://lexingtonma.gov/towngovernment/2013%20STM-November%204/STMwarrant-110413-Web.pdf Warrant]
* TMMA Information Session (Oct 29):
** [http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/lex-tmma/conversations/messages/18123 Announcement]
* Other materials:
** [[Media:TMMA_Warrant_Information_Report_Nov_2013_final.docx|TMMA Warrant Information Report]] (Oct 28, 2013)
** [http://www.lexingtonma.gov/townmeeting/ACReport2013NovSTM-web.pdf Appropriation Committee Report] (released 10/28/31)
** [http://www.lexingtonma.gov/townmeeting/CECReport2013STM4NovFinal.pdf Capital Expenditures Committee Report] (released 10/28/31)
** [[Media:cingLHSModularClassrooms-PresentationtoSelectmen09.23.13.ppt|LHS Modular Classrooms - Financing Construction]] (Sept. 23, 2013)
** [[Media:LHSSpaceNeeds12Mar13.pdf|LHS Overcrowding]], School Committee update, Article 14 DPF Capital (Mar 12, 2013)
** [[Media:LHSFac0verview10Sep13.pdf|LHS Overcrowding]], School Committee update, (Sept 10, 2013)
** [[Media:LPSenrollRPTSum08Jan13.pdf|Enrollment Report]], presented to the School Committee (Jan 8, 2013)
=== Special Town Meeting (June 17) ===
* Official web page of the [http://www.lexingtonma.gov/towngovernment/2013STM061713.cfm Special Town Meeting]
* [[Media:2013SpringSTMWarrant.pdf | Warrant]]
* Committee Reports
** Appropriation Committee: [[Media:ACReport2013JuneSTM-web.pdf|Report to the June 2013 Special Town Meeting]]
* Other materials
** [[Media:art_uniqure_tif_bos_presentation_to_town_meeting_jun_17_2013.pdf | Proposed UniQure TIF Agreement]], presented by Selectman Joe Pato during Town Meeting session
** [[Media:art2_uniqure_tif_some_throughts_peter_enrich_jun_17_2013.pdf| Article 2: UniQure TIF. Some thoughts from Peter Enrich]] (June 17, 2013), pamphlet prepared for fellow Town Meeting members.
* News
** Lexington Minuteman: [http://www.wickedlocal.com/lexington/newsnow/x1968259545/Town-Meeting-Yes-to-tax-incentive-postpones-distribution-centers#axzz2WmgQohjh Town Meeting: Yes to tax incentive, postpones distribution centers], by Marc Filippino (June 20, 2013)
** Lexington Patch: [http://lexington.patch.com/articles/town-meeting-oks-uniqure-tif-medical-marijuana-moratorium Town Meeting OKs UniQure TIF, Medical Marijuana Moratorium], by Patrick Ball (June 18, 2013)
=== Annual/Special Town Meeting (Mar 18 - Apr 22) ===
* Official web page of the [http://www.lexingtonma.gov/towngovernment/2013TownMeeting/2013atm.cfm Annual/Special Town Meeting]
== Year 2012 ==
* TMMA web page for the [http://www.lexingtontmma.org/pmwiki.php?n=Main.2012AnnualSpecial Annual and the Special Town Meetings]
=== Special Town Meeting (Nov 19) ===
* Official web page of the [http://www.lexingtonma.gov/towngovernment/2012STM/2012STM-11192012.cfm Special Town Meeting]
=== Annual Town Meeting (Mar 26 - Apr 2) ===
* Official web page of the [http://www.lexingtonma.gov/towngovernment/2012annualtownmeeting.cfm Annual Town Meeting]
== Year 2011 ==
=== Special Town Meeting (Nov 14) ===
* Official web page of the [http://www.lexingtonma.gov/towngovernment/2011STM/fall2011stm.cfm Special Town Meeting]
* TMMA web page for the [http://www.lexingtontmma.org/pmwiki.php?n=Main.2011SpecialFall Special Town Meeting]
=== Annual Town Meeting (Mar 21 - Apr 11) ===
* Official web page of the [http://www.lexingtonma.gov/towngovernment/2011annualtownmeeting.cfm Annual Town Meeting]
* TMMA web page for the [http://www.lexingtontmma.org/pmwiki.php?n=Main.2011Spring Annual Town Meeting]
== Year 2010 ==
=== Special Town Meeting (Nov 15) ===
* Official web page of the [http://www.lexingtonma.gov/towngovernment/fall2010stm.cfm Special Town Meeting]
* TMMA web page for the [http://www.lexingtontmma.org/pmwiki.php?n=Main.2010SpecialFall Special Town Meeting]
=== Annual Town Meeting (Mar 22 - May 10) ===
* Official web page of the [http://www.lexingtonma.gov/towngovernment/2010atm.cfm Annual Town Meeting]
* TMMA web page for the [http://www.lexingtontmma.org/pmwiki.php?n=Main.2010Spring Annual Town Meeting]
== Year 2009 ==
=== Special Town Meeting (Nov 9 - Nov 18) ===
* Official web page of the [http://www.lexingtonma.gov/towngovernment/2009fallstm.cfm Special Town Meeting]
* TMMA web page for the [http://www.lexingtontmma.org/pmwiki.php?n=Main.2009SpecialFall Special Town Meeting]
=== Special Town Meeting (May 6 - May 11) ===
* Official web page of the [http://www.lexingtonma.gov/towngovernment/townmeeting.cfm#stm Special Town Meeting]
* TMMA web page for the [http://www.lexingtontmma.org/pmwiki.php?n=Main.2009SpecialSpring Special Town Meeting]

=== Annual Town Meeting (Mar 25 - May 6) ===
=== Documents and General Reports ===
* Official web page of the [http://www.lexingtonma.gov/towngovernment/townmeeting.cfm Annual Town Meeting]
* [[Media:2016_TM_Survey_Results.pdf|2016 Town Meeting Survey]].
* TMMA web page for the [http://www.lexingtontmma.org/pmwiki.php?n=Main.2009Spring Annual Town Meeting]
* [[Media:2015_TM_Survey_Results.pdf|2015 Town Meeting Survey]], and [[Media:2015_TM_Survey_Comments.pdf|Survey Comments]].
* [[Media:2014TownMeetingSurvey.pdf|2014 Town Meeting Survey]], with a [[Media:2014TownMeetingSurvey_Appendices_redacted.pdf|comments Appendix]].

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Latest revision as of 07:42, 8 October 2022

General Information

Documents and General Reports

Town Meeting Years:
2024   2023   2022   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015   2014   2013   2012   2011   2010   2009   ...