Lexington:Churches And Temples
Churches and Temples
- http://www.stbrigidlexington.org/SacredHeart - Catholic Community in Lexingtopn, Sacred Heart Parish
- http://www.stbrigidlexington.org/StBrigid - Catholic Community in Lexingtopn, St. Brigid Parish
- http://www.cbcgb.org - Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston
- http://www.our-redeemer.net - The Church of Our Redeemer, Episcopal
- http://www.countrysidebiblechapel.org - Countryside Bible Chapel, independent, evangelical, non-denominational assembly
- http://www.fbclexington.org - First Baptist Church
- http://fpc.lexington.ma.us - First Parish in Lexington. Unitarian Universalist.
- http://follen.org - Follen Church Society, Unitarian Universalist
- http://www.grace.org - the Grace Chapel Lexington
- http://www.hancockchurch.org - Hancock United Church of Christ, Congregational
- http://www.lexumc.org - Lexington United Methodist Church, an inclusive and reconciling congregation
- http://www.pilgrimcongregational.org - Pilgrim Congregational Church, United Church of Christ
- http://www.neumc.org/church_detail.asp?PKValue=294 - Saint John's Korean United Methodist Church
- http://stnicholaslex.org - Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
- http://www.stpaulevangelical.org - St. Paul Evangelical Church
- http://www.templeemunah.org - the Temple Emunah
- http://www.trinitycovenantlexington.org - the Trinity Covenant Church