Mailing Lists
In And Around Lexington |
Events |
Events and Calendars |
Arts and Entertainment |
Art Galleries, Cary Library |
Museums |
Historical Buildings and Sites |
Bands |
Orchestras, Symphonies |
Local Flora and Fauna |
Ballet, Opera, Theater |
Trees, Shrubs and Vines |
Wild Flowers and Herbs, Birds |
Local History |
Articles, Books, Old Pictures |
Historic Commission, Historic Surveys |
Old Churches and Meeting Houses |
Period Maps, TV Stations, Web Site Mirrors |
Recreation and Outdoors |
Biking, Exercise, Gyms |
Parks, Trails |
Town Recreation Facilities |
Food and Drink |
Restaurants |
City Life |
Mailing Lists, Web Sites, FAQs |
Churches and Temples |
Child Care Centers |
Public, Private Schools |
Tutoring and Private Instructors |
General mailing lists
- :A lively discussion list of issues relating to Lexington Massachusetts. Open to residents from Lexington or people related in some way to Lexington.
- List moderator: Harry Forsdick. Lists maintained by Harry.
- What is the list for? Read the acceptable use policy.
- Lexington List of Services, Tradespeople, etc.
- This is a spreadsheet created by David Klunchman and maintained by him and others with services and trades providers culled from the Lexington list.
- Lexington List FAQ
Sister list to the above, reserved for politics and religion. Open to residents from Lexington; the archives can be viewed only after subscription. Same list moderator as the Lexington list.
Town Government mailing lists
Public list of the Lexington Town Meeting members. Everybody can view, but only Town Meeting members post. List moderator: Vicki Blier.
Sign up to get notified of election dates, town bill notices, Board of Selectmen and Planning Board agenda, and for other town notifications. You must register on the Town Website before being able to sign up to the EGovLink Lexington list. Messages are not archived publicly.
Issue oriented mailing lists
The list for bicycle enthusiasts. Managed by the Friends of Lexington Bikeways and the Lexington Bicycle Advisory.
A book lovers list.
A site for local lawn and gardening help, ideas, information and equipment-lending for residents and close neighbors of Lexington, Massachusetts.
The ReUseIt Network helps get things from people who have them but don't want them to people who want them but don't have them. Everything posted is 100% free.
This is a group interested in high speed access to the Internet available in Lexington, MA. See Jon Dreyer's High Speed Internet Access in Lexington web page for more information about high speed Internet in Lexington.
The Lexington Computer and Technology Group, which meets at the Lexington Senior Center, 1475 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA Tel: 781 861 0194. Meetings are held every Wednesday at 10:00. Visitors are always welcome. The group members range from beginners to highly experienced.
Legit topics for this list include HDTV signal delivery in Lexington, HDTV sets, HDTV tuners, etc.
Discussions about travel adventures by people living in and around Lexington
Club geared towards the 40-65 crowd who wants to meet new people with similiar interest for socializing (empty nesters, parents of teens, etc.) Topics: film, wine tasting, gourmet, theatre, book, hiking, bicycling, tennis...
The Lexington Newcomers Club, open to anyone who has moved to town in the last 3 years.
Putting food on the table that everyone enjoys is one of the many challenges of raising a young family. Lex EATS is a yahoo group for Lexington parents to share ideas about dinner, lunch, and breakfast foods their family enjoys. Also tips on getting everyone to the table, keeping the conversation going, and help with the clean up are welcome. The idea is broaden our repertoire and menu ideas.
Parents and children
Lively list where parents exchange ideas and suggestions about schools and after school activities.
LexFUN!, formerly known as the Lexington Preschool PTA (LPPTA), for local families with young children (0-5 yrs).
Lexington Special Education Parents Advisory Council (SEPAC) mailing list, for discussion of special education issues. The groups serves as a resource and advisor to parents of children with special needs from preschool through high school.
Concord Special Education Parents Advisory Council mailing list, for discussion of special education issues.
In the Summer of 2012, a group of parents got together to speak in favor of rescuing the German classes at the Lexington High. This is their mailing list. Subscription required to view the archives.
Would it not be nice if Lexington had its own town-run electric utility? This list is open to people advocating for a Lexington municipal utility (or Muni). Subscription required to view the archive. List manager: Patrick Mehr.
Neighboring Towns
- The Arlington list:
- The Arlington list Cast of Characters (i.e., the regular list contributors)
- Search through the list archives
This is a general mailing list for Arlington, MA. It is moderated by Richard Damon. Anybody is allowed to subscribe, anonymously or not. The list archives are only visible to the subscribers.