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==== Elder law and Medicare ====
''Question:'' Hi. I am looking for any recommendations for a law office that specializes in elder law and the medicaid application process. Thanks.
''Threads:<br />

==== Employment law ====
==== Employment law ====

Revision as of 10:19, 26 July 2013

General Questions

The Lexington list

List mail and archives: lexington@yahoogroups.com

What types of messages are posted on the Lexington list?

The Lexington list is used for a variety of issues related to our town: requesting and providing references for a business or a type of service (auto repair, construction, lawn and yard, medical...), or for announcing town events (anything from theater shows to yard sales), or for asking and providing advices on matters related to household work, or yard work, or really anything related to life in and around town.

Are political messages posted on the Lexington list?

Generally not. The lex-polrel@yahoogroups.com yahoo list is used instead for political posts.

Is the Lexington list public?

Anybody can view messages posted on the Lexington list. Only subscribers can post messages. Subscribers must be Lexington residents, or must have some connection to Lexington. To subscribe to the list, go to the list front page at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lexington.

How is the Lexington list moderated?

The list is moderated by its founder, Harry Forsdick, according to the list acceptable use policy

When was the list started?

The Lexington list was started in 2002. All messages since 2002 are available in the list archive at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lexington.

What is the best way to look up references for a businesses or a service on the Lexington list?

You can first try to find the service up in the Lexington List of Services, Tradespeople, etc or in the Lexington list FAQ. You can also search the list using the Yahoo search facility.

How can I unsubscribe from the Lexington list?

You can try the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of an email message. You can also follow the "visit your group" link, sign in, and change subscription options. The following options are available:

  • Switch to daily message digests (guaranteed at most one message/day),
  • Stay on the list and get no emails, which means you could still use the web features
  • Complete unsubscribe

How can I update the Lexington list FAQ?

To edit the FAQ, you need an account on lex-wiki.org, which you can create using the top right link. You can then click on the 'Edit Page' button at the top - or, to edit just a section of the FAQ, pick an underlined section header and click the edit button on right.


College preparation

AP (Advanced Placement) class tutoring

Question: What resources are available for AP class tutoring?


AP (Advanced Placement) college credits

Question: How do AP (Advanced Placement) classes matter once you're in college?

Answer: The ivy schools tend not to give credit for AP's, but use them as placement tests, while some other colleges do allow class credit for good AP test scores.


College application help

Question: Can anyone recommend a service to help a HS student with a college application? Thanks.


College tuition advice

Question: For scheduling reasons my wife and I missed the financial aid discussions sponsored by LHS. I'd like to see if there is any independent advisor out there we could hire to work with us for a couple hours to go over our options.


SAT and ACT preparation classes

Question: Hi. We're looking for recommendations for organizations that help students prepare for SATs and ACTs. If you have had a great experience in this area, or have had a bad one, I'd be interested to hear about it. Thanks so much.


Daycares and Preschools

Daycares for 1 year olds

Question: Hello. We have a nanny for our 1 year old for now, but since he's an active, social little fellow, we're thinking that soon, we might have to transition him to a daycare, as he might start getting bored at home. I'm looking for daycares in the Lexington and Belmont areas, as they are on my way to work. I'd rather not travel too far towards Bedford, as that would involve a reverse commute for me. I'd appreciate any suggestions and recommendations from other parents here. As usual, thank you in advance.

Answer: Check the threads below.


Foreign languages

Italian language classes


French tutor


Korean - Where to buy books

Question: Hi all. Does anyone know where I could buy or borrow books in Korean? My high school daughter is going to an immersion camp and can't bring reading material that isn't in Korean. Â The libraries have some, but the titles I saw are either way too difficult or way too easy. Â Also, I am not sure if they will appreciate having their materials taken for more than a month! Thanks so much for any thoughts or help.

Answer: You can use Schoenhof's near Harvard Square, which has a selection of books for a number of foreign languages: http://www.schoenhofs.com/


Mandarin tutor



Graphing Calculator

Question: Which Graphing Calculators are used by students starting in Lexington middle school 8th grade and high school?

Answer The models used are Texas Instruments TI-83 or TI-84 family. For a debate whether other models should be allowed, or whether iPads or smart tablets would do a better job, see the thread below.


Kumon or Russian School feedback

Question: My first grade son loves math but feels like he could use some extra challenge and could likely use some extra practice in reading. Does anyone have experience with either of these programs or have other suggestions? Thanks.

Answer: Both Kumon and the Russian School are good, but they work slightly differently. We had done Kumon a few years ago for my older daughter, and are currently doing Russian School for both my older and my younger daughter.

Kumon students meet once a week and solve independently problems on a worksheet. Students are assessed about their initial level, and they are handed materials appropriate to their preparation level. This is very good, because some students may be more advanced or may have fallen behind; Kumon accommodates these students very well and from the get-go of the program. Students can also join the program at any time in the year, which is great, and at any level due to the flexibility of the start point.

Kumon does not have a classroom teacher; students always work independently based on work sheets. There are tutors available during this weekly session, but in our case the tutors were high school age students.

One disadvantage: while the pace of the work sheets is slow, it is constant - and after a few months some students will complain about this constant pace, and about the fact that they do not get to spend more time with problems they like.

Aside from math, Kumon also has a very good English language program, which is a lot of fun.

Russian School on the other hand is a bit more expensive than Kumon, and is set up entirely differently. Young students spend 2 hours a week in a regular classroom, with an assigned teacher. The teacher will present problems during class, the students will solve them some time independently, and other times in front of the other students at the whiteboard. There are about two sheets of homework each week, which will take 30 minutes for the small grades - but the parents have to help at first with the homework. The problems are very fun and age appropriate.

The Russian School teachers are always very well prepared and knowledgeable about their material; this has a great influence on what the class will do. The curriculum is very well designed with a mix of problems requiring a lot of logical-style thinking. There are two levels of difficulty (two 'tracks'). The class size is relatively small - about 15-16. Some time the class facilities are a bit ad-hoc, but this is math and what matters is how and what it is taught, not where. Tutoring is available at extra cost after hours.

Russian Math teachers will start with a particular classroom group and keep it year after year - this way they get to know their students very well, and at the beginning of a new year they can adapt the level of instruction to the level of the class. This is something public schools could learn from, because we switch teachers every grade instead of keeping a teacher assigned to a grade throughout K-5.

The draw back with the Russian School is that you have to start class in September, just like with a regular school. Another drawback is that in higher grades (6th grades or up) the number of instructional hours will increase, because there is more material to be taugh. In 6th grade, an Algebra and a geometry class take 3.5 hours. They study exciting stuff - the concept of definition, theorem and postulate, but students cannot spread these hours over multiple times a week, the way they do it in the math program at the regular school.

In summary, both Kumon and the Russian Schools are good, with some pitfalls. What else is available? There is Mr Quigley's Lexington class for slightly older students (I believe starting with 2nd or 3rd grade). There are a number of math tutors who will take older students. And there is also a set of textbooks called Singapore Math (http://www.singaporemath.com/), which parents can use at home for tutoring their child, starting with the 1st grade.


LHS math final exam archive

Question: What is the location of the LHS web page with links to lots of old final exams from most of the math courses, so students could get a sense of what to expect on their final?

Answer: The web page with old LHS final exams is located at [1].


Math Club feedback

Question: I just received a mailing about the Math Club run by Joe Quigley in Lexington (http://www.themathclub.com/) and would be interested in hearing from anyone who has any experience with it. We have a soon-to-be 4th grader who loves math and is very good at it, but we want to make sure the program is enjoyable and not too intense. Recommendations for other math programs are also welcome!


Math olympiad

Question: A new Harrington School family has asked me about opportunities for 5th graders to participate in the Math Olympiad. Our enrichment program at Harrington doesn't participate in it. Does anyone know whether one of the many other local math enrichment groups might offer opportunities for a 5th grader to compete in it?


Math tutor

Question: If anyone has a math tutor to recommend for a middle school girl please let me know – thanks very much.


Summer math camp for high schooler

Question: Hi. Looking for suggestions for summer math camps in and around Massachusetts for my 9th grader. Thanks.



Guitar teacher

Question: Good morning. I am looking for a guitar teacher. I'm just trying to be able to accompany children along, when they sing the classic children's tunes (Twinkle twinkle, little star, itsy bitsy spider, etc....). I would like to start asap. I have some knowledge of music (I play around on the piano). Can anyone recommend a local teacher?


Piano movers

Question: Does anyone have a good piano moving company to recommend? Thanks.


Piano teacher

Question: Hello Lexington List. I am in need of a piano teacher in the Lexington area. I took lessons from age 4 to 20. However, when I couldn't find the right teacher in college, I stopped cold turkey. I miss playing quite a bit, and I would love to find a teacher in or around Lexington (or someone who would come to my house) that will teach piano for the love of music. Of course, technique and accuracy are a must, but I play the piano to enjoy myself and as a way to escape the world, not to stress myself out trying to please someone else.

If there is anyone out there who teaches with this philosophy or if you might know of someone who fits this profile, I would be grateful if you would either email me with their name or email them with my email address! Thank you.


Piano tuner

Question: Does anyone have a recommendation for a piano tuner? Thanks!


Violin lessons

Question: Hi -- I am looking for private violin teacher for my 6th grade son. I played for a long time, and I've been able to be constructive to date -- but feel it is time to add another violin player's voice to the process.

Any suggestions? I'm interested in the teacher's personality as well as his/her skills. I think the best match for my son will be someone who is passionate about music, energetic -- but also gentle. Also, someone who might be open to different genres. Okay -- that is probably ridiculous combination -- but, please let me know what you know!

Yes, I did request the list of local teachers from the schools - but it is just a run of names & numbers, so it's hard to jump in from that point.

Also see: Tutoring and Private Instructors.


Violin strings

Question: Hi all. Could you please tell me where I can purchase a 'D' string for my daughter's violin?


Online courses

Options for online courses

Question: What options are available for online courses?

Answer: Two of the available options are the Khan Academy at [2] and Coursera [3]. Both allow you to study in the comfort of your own home for free courses in many different areas - this can help you keep current on your own field, or help a student investigate some college courses before taking the course, or purely learn a new subject for the fun of it!


Summer camps

Belmont Hill Sports Camp

Question: We are interested in hearing about anyone's experience at the Belmont Hill Sports camps. The program looks good but we would appreciate feedback from a camper's perspective. Thanks.


Drama/theater camp

Question: My son's got the acting bug and we're thinking about sending him to a drama/theater camp for a month next summer. We'd love recommendations from this great list if any of you have experience with a camp like this.


Summer camp recommendations

Question: Hello all. We are moving to Lex in the spring and would like our 9-year-old daughter to meet some kids during the summer. Recommendations for fun, artsy day camps would be greatly appreciated. Cannot believe that registration is right around the corner for Habitat in Belmont, which she adores. Thanks for the assistance!


Soccer camp

Question: I am looking for a soccer skills camp for my incoming 9th grade son (day or overnight) and am wondering if anyone has experience with/recommendations for any?


Entertainment and Culture


Symphony orchestras

Question: Hi. Could anyone recommend a few good symphony or classical orchestras? We like the BSO, but our budget does not. Can anyone recommend good places/organizations for classical music? Thanks.


Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra

Read Charles Lamb's review of the Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Benefit Concert on June 3, 2013:


Summer Concerts

What is the concert schedule this summer?



First Night in Boston

Question: We are thinking of going to First Night celebration in Boston on New Year's Eve. Can anyone tell me how crowded the indoor events usually are, and where to park? Thanks.


Food and Eating Out


Mandolin slicer

Question: What is the best mandoline slicer? What do experienced cooks like?


Cooking turkey

Question: I know this is early for Thanksgiving, but for those who have not done turkeys here is a great set of instructions that I have been using for decades. It is really easy and fool-proof.


Slow Cooker Cookbook Recommendation Wanted

Question: I'm looking for recommendations on the best slow cooker cook book. I've heard raves about "Slow Cooker Revolution" (Cooks Illustrated) and "Fix It And Forget It." I'd be interested in comments from people who own one of these books. Or comments from people who have another book and love it.

My goal is recipes that can be prepared quickly and then left alone for the entire cooking time. (I've heard that "Slow Cooker Revolution" might be too fussy, requiring ingredients to be added during the cooking time.) Thank you.


Food stores and groceries

Community Sponsored Agriculture

Question: I'm wondering if anyone has participated in a CSA (Community Sponsored Agriculture) that they would recommend? I know Wilson's is an option, but I've been trying to research what else is out there as well. And if anyone has done the Wilson's CSA in the past, is there anything you would like to share about the experience? Thanks so much for you help.


Fresh fish

Question: What is a good place to buy fresh fish and clams? Thanks.


Stores carrying Indian food

Question: There used to be a store in Arlington where I bought some stuff from India, kind of candy nibble things with seeds and some sugary stuff. Went to Arlington over the weekend and looked for it, without success. Anybody know where I could buy that sort of thing today?


Restaurants and Eating Out

Authentic Chinese restaurants


French restaurant

Question: Hi all. I'd like to take my parents out to a nice French restaurant for their 50th anniversary. Can anyone recommend a place? Thank you so much!

Answer: Here is a list of French restaurants in the area:

  • L'Espalier in Boston on Boylston St
  • Brasserie Jo in Boston on Huntington Ave
  • La Voile in Boston on Newbury Street
  • Menton in Boston, at 354 Congress Street
  • Petit Robert Bistro in Boston, at 468 Commonwealth Ave
  • Aquataine in the Boston South End
  • Le Lyonnais in Acton, on Rt. 2A
  • Sandrine's Bistro in Cambridge, near Harvard Sq
  • Lumiere in Newton


Gluten-free restaurant and take-out food

Question: Hi folks. I don't have much personal experience with gluten-free food, but this week I am looking for some good gluten-free meal options in the area that would be suitable for take-out. I would appreciate any recommendations/suggestions that you could offer! Restaurant takeout, or good frozen meal suggestions, are all welcome.


Indian food stores near Lexington

Question: Does anyone know of Indian food stores near Lexington? I'm looking for the spicy snacks ("Hot Mix" is the one I've been using -- very nice).



Question: Hello. My parents, who lived in this area for about 40 years before moving to the SF Bay area about 10 years ago, will be back here for a visit next week, and they are interested in a good lobster dinner. We have lobster only when we are in Maine, so I don't have any advice for them. Thanks in advance for any advice for my parents.


Malaysian and Singapore restaurants

Question: A lifetime ago I traveled for work to Singapore, where I got to eat enjoy the local cuisine - especially the whole foods stalls selling Malaysian cuisine. Has anyone seen anything featuring food from Singapore or Malaysia around here?



Question: Hi. We are new to the area and are wondering where the best pizza places in or around Lexington might be other than Bertucci's. Thanks.


Restaurant deliveries

Question: I'm looking for recommendations for favorite restaurants in the Arlington/Lexington area that deliver.



Question: Hi. I'd love to know what your favorite local sushi restaurant is. Thanks so much.


Vegan friendly restaurant

Question: Looking for suggestions for a restaurant that will please vegans and non-vegans alike.




Are children allowed in the voting booth?

Question: Are you allowed to bring school-aged children with you into the voting booth? I've never done this before, but since schools are closed tomorrow, I thought this might be an interesting experience for my 6th grader to be a part of. Is there a rule about this, does anyone know?

Answer: Yes. Bringing your children of any age into the voting both with you is expressly protected / permitted by law. See right #15 on the Secretary of the Commonwealth's voter info web page: http://www.sec.state.ma.us/ele/ele12/ballot_questions_12/ma_voter_rights.htm.


Finding Information

Property diagram

Question:Can anyone guide me to how I can obtain a diagram of my property from the town, either online or from a town official? I do not need a certified plot plan. I recall seeing such a diagram during the purchase process but don't have a copy among my papers.


House and Construction

Basement related

Water in the basement

Question: Hello - We have water in our basement and it looks like we are in need of a french drain. I have gone through previous emails on the subject and tracked down two referrals -

Peter Seibold
K&R Landscaping

I wanted to check in and see if anyone had any other suggestions of people to call/avoid. Much appreciated!


What do do about wet basement wall

Question: Hi folks! Well, the months have passed since the Great Storm of the spring, and we're debating what do do about the one wall that got wet.

It's sort of a walk-out basement (hill on one side, open on the other). It never got wet... except during that storm. Then, water seeped up through the floor on the underground/foundation side and the lowest 2" or so of the wall got wet and yucky. I've torn out the wallboard and the mouse-infested fiberglass insulation that was behind it. The question is, now what?


French drains questions

Observation:We had a contractor install French drains in our finished basement in 2006 after a mini-flood in June. I would recommend him highly. Thanks to the French drain, we have two pumps running today to keep the basement dry (they are still running - where is the water coming from now that the rain has stopped?) The pumps come on automatically if there is water in the pit.


Radon questions

Question: We recently tested our basement for radon, and detected a small amount. We had tested previously several times over the years and never had even a trace of radon. What we learned from the two remediation companies that we had look at our basement is that because the basement is now exposed to the earth below through the gap, the radon is seeping in. They expect the radon level to get a little bit worse in the winter.

I'm hoping some of you might have ideas! I have to imagine that with all that water last year, and all the Lexingtonians who added French drains, someone else must have already dealt with this problem. Any advice would be most appreciated.


Sump pump issues

Observation: My Ronchetti installed sump pumps have been running 24/7 since last Saturday! The water continues to pour into the French drains and out by the pumps. I am amazed that the water is still coming to the basement and with heavy rain due Monday into Tuesday this is never going to end!




Question: We are contemplating some renovations (perhaps substantial, but mostly interior) to our antique 18th c house. If anyone has worked with an architect on such a project that he/she loves, I would be glad to get referrals. I am particularly interested in getting web links where I can see some completed projects before contacting the referral.


Asbestos remediation

Question: Hi. We're looking for people that do asbestos remediation - we have floor tiles containing asbestos in our basement that we'd like to have removed.


Carpenter recommendations

Question: Hi, I am looking for a carpenter to fix and replace rotten boards on our deck. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Although this is a smallish job, I would like to have access to someone who will come do various small jobs and eventually bigger ones.


Certified plot plan

Question: Hello list. We are looking to have some work done and need to get a certified plot plan. Can someone recommend someone who does this? Thanks.


Civil engineer recommendation

Question: Can anyone here recommend a good and reasonable civil engineer that handles grading and drainage plans for residential expansion projects? Thanks.


Also see: Structural engineers

Concrete floor installer recommendations

Question: We are thinking about covering the basement floor with concrete, since the moisture problem will make other methods non-optimal. Do you have any recommendation for good contractor? I checked our database but couldn't find any.


Construction contractor needed

Question: Hi. I am looking for names of contractors/builders for a home renovation that I am looking to do. I want someone that could successfully do an addition/new kitchen. I looked on the list and could not find anyone in that category and would love your suggestions. Thanks so much.


Construction - General Construction

Question: Dear friends: we are having some (re) construction done on our basement and would love recommendations in the following areas:

Tile work (small job)
Carpet store (wall to wall carpeting for our basement)


Contractor - Seeking advice for dealing with difficult contractor



Question: Hello. Have you recently had a deck built? We are looking for some referrals of someone that you worked with, really liked and could also help with design. Thank you so much.


Decking materials

Question: I am looking for feedback regarding selection of decking material.


Driveway contractor needed

Question: Hi Lexington List: any recommendations for good driveway contractors -- that is, someone who can dig up the old driveway and replace it without it costing a fortune? Thanks.


Drywell engineer

Question: We need help in finding the name of an engineer who can design a dry well to collect drainage from the sump pump we have installed in our newly constructed basement.



Question: I have about 15 bags of construction waste from my basement reconstruction. I've called Ace Removal Inc and they say they will pick the bags up for $275. I did call Devens Recycling about 40 miles from here and they will charge $85 if I drive the bags in one trip but I don't want the hassle of renting a truck, pay for gas etc. Can someone recommend another company that has small dumpsters?


Electrician recommendations

Question: Hi everyone. Does anyone have an electrician they would recommend? It's a small job. A couple recessed lights in an old bathroom need replacement.


Fencing companies

Question: Hi everyone. Could anyone recommend a fencing company? Thanks for any recommendations.


Garage door

Question: It's time for us to replace our old garage door openers. Does anyone have positive experience with someone or a company to recommend? Thanks in advance.


Glass shower door installer

Question: Hi, I'm looking for a recommendation for 1) somewhere to purchase/have made glass shower doors and 2) someone to install them. Thanks.


Glass shop

Question: Greetings. Does anyone know where I can buy a small pane of glass. One of the "lights" in an exterior door is broken, and I'd like to replace it. I'd really appreciate any help or advice on this!


Gutter replacement recommendations

Question: Hi. I am wondering if anyone has a recommendation for someone to put up a new gutter on my house, and remove the old one. I'm not even sure whether a roofer does this, or someone who specializes in gutters. Anyone know, or do you know someone good who we might use? Thanks for any advice.


Junk removal

Question: Is there anyone who had good experience with removal service provider who can provide removal service of unwanted items like a bed, mattes, and bookshelves, boxes?


Home inspector recommendation

Question: Hi all, does anyone have a home inspector that they would recommend? I searched for past references and got only a couple who are not available. Thanks.


Home insulation

Question: Does anyone have a recommendation for a home insulation company/provider? Thanks.


Kitchen Cabinet Painter

Question: Hello Everyone. I am thinking of having my kitchen cabinets painted. Has anyone had this done and can you tell me the pros and cons? Also, can you recommend a good painter for this work? Thank you.


Kitchen Remodeling


Land surveyor

Question: Hello. We are putting up a fence and need to get a land survey. would anybody be able to recommend a land surveyor to us? Thank you.


Lock repair

Question: Hi. Our backdoor lock/ door handle Fell apart last night. I am wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a handyman or locksmith? Thanks.


Masonry company recommendations

Question: We want to install a patio this spring (pavers, bluestone, flagstone?) and are looking for recommendations for a masonry or landscaping company. Can anyone share their experiences? Thanks!

Question: Hi, I need someone to repair my brick steps. Does anyone have a recommendation of a mason that they have hired and liked? Thanks.


Mold and mildew

Question: I would love some help or feedback. Our closet by the front door has always been very cold and recently I thought it smelled musty. Tonight I was hanging up some jackets and a pair of black shoes caught my attention as they looked a little white. It ends up that they have mildew on them. This caused me to dig further and found that the outside wall which had a long dress in a plastic bag against it was damp. The bag was also damp on the inside and out. The wall has a small amount of what looks like black mold on it. I also threw out some clothes with mildew on them.

I have sprayed the wall with a cleaner that has bleach in it. Do you think I need to have the drywall on that wall removed? Do you think that the condensation is caused by the cold outside wall and the warm temp in the house? My take is that the wall is cold and the plastic bag did not let air circulate in the closet. I would appreciate any feedback anyone has.



Question: Does anyone have any recommendations for a painter to paint the outside of my home? Thanks.





Question: Can anyone give me a recommendation of a good plumber in Lexington? Interested in your opinion and why.



Question: We had a radon test when we moved into our house in 1988. It was borderline high, and someone told us to leave the basement windows a little leaky and that would be good enough. We're doing a lot of other work on the house now, and I've decided it's time to really figure out about the radon. Any recommendations?


Roofer recommendations

Question: We were worried about our basement flooding with today's rain. So far so good... However, our roof is leaking! The bathroom fan is dripping a bit, so this is probably not a huge job (I hope). Any roofer recommendations out there for something like this? Thanks so much.


Structural engineer recommendations

Question: Hi folks. Does anyone have a recommendation for a structural engineer to evaluate existing support for a potential load on our first floor? The area has an open basement below. Thanks very much in advance.


Also see: Civil engineers

Tiles installation

Question: Does anyone have any recommendations for someone who could install ceramic tiles on a kitchen floor? Thanks for suggestions!


Walkway material

Question: I am having a hard time deciding whether to use pavers, concrete, or exposed aggregate for my new front walkway. Each vendor is enthusiastic about their product. Will grass/weeds grow between the pavers over the long term? Will concrete crack in our weather? Which is easier to maintain?


Windows replacement

Question: Hi. I need to replace some windows (2 bay and 4 bay). Do you have anyone recommend? Thanks.


Heating and cooling

Boilers and furnaces

Question: We need to replace our oil boiler used for forced hot-water heating in the house. It's 25 years old. The boiler is also used to heat up a 40 gallon hot water tank (installed 2 years ago) for running hot water (baths, sinks, etc). It was rated 156 kBTU/hr.

Any recommendations? We're not switching heat source, but have no idea where to start looking for recommendations for oil burners. We definitely want one that is quieter than our current one: the ignition wakes us up each time. It's been serviced each year. Also, any recommendations on contractors for this work (or those to avoid!) would be wonderful. Thanks.


Ductless air conditioning

Question: Does anybody out there have experience with ductless air conditioning? We're considering getting it for the bedrooms in our house and I'm not sure even where to start. Are there brands that are considered really good, or others that are not? Ideally I would like to find a knowledgeable professional who can help us select a product and then install it. Any ideas?

Threads:\ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lexington/message/23593

Gas - extending gas line to street

Question: Hello! Is there anyone on the list that has worked with National Grid to extend a gas line to their street? What is the process like in terms of time and permits? We are building a new house and would ideally like gas. However if this is a time consuming process then we will probably have to go propane and convert to gas if/when it comes to the street. Regarding the cost, my neighbor across the street was quoted considerably less when he called about a year ago. Do they just wing it with the estimate and the actual's can end up different?


Gas - which streets have gas line

Question: I called National Grid today to find out if there was a gas line on our street. I was informed that it would take 24-48 hours for National Grid's engineers to figure out the answer to that question. (Silly me, I thought someone would have a map." I quickly checked the Assessor's database--which lists homes' heat source--and figured out that if there is a gas line on my street, no one is using it.

My question: my neighborhood was built up ca. 1950-55. Do *any* of the older neighborhoods in Lexington have gas? When did gas lines arrive? And where?


Home insulation tips

Question: Being relatively new to New England, we are seeking some low cost tips to help save on energy in our gas guzzling, energy inefficient rental. Because it is not our home, we don't want to make a huge investment and cannot replace windows/boiler etc. Other than insulating the boiler pipes in basement and setting thermostat timers which we have done, other ideas are welcome.


Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning repair

Question: Hi. Looking for a reliable company - someone who returns calls within 24 hours and shows up for service calls when scheduled - to provide maintenance and repairs on a heating and central air systems. Thanks for your recommendations.


Home Heating Oil Delivery

Question: I know we're days away from summer, but....for the last many months, we've used Clickfil for our home heating oil. Today, we received an email that the company is folding, which means we'll need to find another home heating oil company. The one we used before Clickfil was disappointing, so I'm crowdsourcing (can't believe I get to use that word so early in the week!). Realizing that the price is the price, we're looking for suggestions about local companies (good service, responsive, etc.) Thanks for your help.


Oil tank removal

Question: Any recommendations for a company to remove an easily accessible aboveground tank from the garage? It's not in use, so we don't have an oil company on call to do it. Any idea what this should cost?


Oil to gas heating system conversion

Question: I have a very old oil-fired steam heating system with a built-in tankless water heater and I've decided it's time to upgrade. I was all set to convert to natural gas when I spoke with a recommended HVAC person (John Tuccinardi with Federal Heating and Engineering) who sounded extremely knowledgeable and was very friendly. He told me I would be better served staying with oil... I was hoping to get some others opinions on the subject. Thanks in advance for your comments.


Oil vs. propane heating


Tankless on-demand hot water heater

Question: Does anyone have actual experience using one of these units? If so, I'd be very interested to hear the story, your actual pros/cons, and what model you are using. Thanks.


House appliances

Appliance parts

Question: One of the elements in my electric oven burned, then shorted out spectacularly this week. Any suggestions on where I can get a new one? It's a GE double electric wall oven, probably 10-15 years old. I'm just looking for the part; we'll install it ourselves. Thank you.


Appliance Repairman

Question: I have a six year old Amana stainless steel refrigerator that requires a new compressor. I have a new compressor but do not know of any service person who can install it. I have received outrageous estimates from a couple of appliance stores. I will be using it as a secondary refrigerator in the basement and would appreciate any recommendations for repair persons who won't break the bank. Thanks.


Dishwasher recommendations

Question: Does anyone have any dishwasher recommendations? Has anyone bought one at Doyon's in Bedford? Thanks.


Electric cooktop

Question: Our new house won't have gas on the street, so I will be dealing with an electric cooktop for the first time. We are replacing the appliances prior to moving in, when the contractor is there to do work, so I am in the challenging position of having to pick a new electric cooktop before I even get to try one and see which features I like or don't like. I am therefore hoping people out here may be able to advise me on what to look for or avoid in an electric cooktop. Any features that are must-have? These seem to range in price quite a bit so I am wondering what features make some "worth it" and others not so much.

This will be a heavily used item - I cook 5-6 nights/week and most mornings as well.

Thank you for any advice -


High efficiency washer recommendation

Question: Hello everyone. We are thinking of buying a high efficiency washer for clothes. I've read a lot of the customer comments on Sears, best buy etc. I grew up using a front load washing machine in the UK, 30 years ago. Such machines are over priced in the USA. The UK prices are about $300-450 while here they seem to charge a premium as if it's a new technology.

After reading up on reviews of front loading machines, I see plenty of bad reviews (and good reviews). Some are related to mold smell (it is common practice in the UK to wipe the rubber seal) and some are related to soap residue which comes from adding too much. That is a learning process I can deal with. Putting aside the price, I am prepared to buy either a top loading or front loading high efficiency washer. Are there any recommendations? Thanks.


Induction stove

Question: HWe are considering buying an induction stove, due to the claims of efficiency. On the other hand, I am not a gourmet cook, so I don't really need extremely fine temperature control, and I hate the thought of getting all new pots, because I am happy with the copper-bottom steel Revere ware I've been using for ages. I'd like to hear from people who have them - do you love yours? Was it worth the cost? Thanks.


Propane stove conversion

Question: We like to cook, and we like to cook over a flame. Unfortunately we have an electric stove. I'm asking the list to see if any of you have any information about costs, know any (decent) contractors, or have general advice, about replacing my electric stove with a propane stove. I'm planning on visiting Home Depot and/or Lowes, but I'd appreciate personal advice also. Thanks.


Sewing machine tune up

Question: Hi. Can someone recommend a local place that can take a look at my 1970's Singer sewing machine? It works, but not well. I've been told that these old-school machines are irreplaceable and that I should have mine tuned up instead of buying a new machine. Is there somewhere near Lexington where folks know how to get old sewing machines running smoothly? Thanks.


Where to purchase appliances

Question: Thank you to everyone who aided me last weekend in choosing a cooktop. We have finally identified what we're getting and now just need to decide where to get our appliances! For previous home renovations, we ordered our appliances from AJ Madison in Brooklyn NY, but we were wondering if there is a place up here that people recommend, that has competitive pricing and good service? Thanks for any recs.


House cleaning

Carpet cleaner needed

Question: Hi. We have a bunch of carpets to clean in the house. Does anyone have someone they would recommend? Thanks.


House cleaner needed

Question: We are looking for a detail-oriented, very meticulous housecleaner to clean our house every other week. We prefer a person or team rather than a service. Must be OK with using green products (we supply) and be comfortable working around a very laidback dog. I appreciate your recommendations.


Chimney sweep to recommend

Question: Hi. We're looking for recommendations for a good chimney sweep. Reasonable rates, quality work, etc... Thanks.


Window washer

Question: I am looking for a recommendation for a reliable reasonably-priced window washer. Thanks.


Dryer vent duct cleaning

Question: Any recommendations for dryer vent cleaners? I know there was discussion a few years ago on the List. Has anyone had it done recently? Thanks.


Gutter Cleaning

Question: Can anyone recommend someone to clean gutters? Thanks.


House furniture and decorations

Cabinet and drawer hardware

Question: Where besides HD sells cabinet and drawer hardware? Before I give Home Depot my money, is there a local store where folks suggest I might look for drawer and cabinet hardware? The ones I like have to be special-ordered from HD anyway, so I'd like to look around a bit before I do this online anyway. Any suggestions of places to look nearby? Thanks so much.


Carpeting company recommendation

Question: I am looking for a recommendation for someone to carpet my bedrooms.Any referrals would be appreciated. Thanks .


Cellular shade store recommendations

Question: Hi all. I would be so appreciative for recommendations for cellular shade stores. Also, if you have particular brands/styles that you find to be energy efficient, I am all ears! Thank you so much.


Framing recommendation

Question: Can anyone recommend a local place for having something framed? I have a piece of silk embroidery from India I'd like to have framed. Thanks.


Furniture repair

Question: Hi. I am looking to have a large table refinished. Can anyone recommend a place to take it?


Interior decorator

Question: Hello. Has any one out there used an interior decorator that they would care to recommend? Thanks.



Question: Can anyone recommend an upholsterer with whom they've had good luck? We're thinking of having a sofa reupholstered.


Using plants to combat new house syndrome

Question: I am sensitive to lots of things, so the only variable that has changed lately has been moving into a new construction house. We don't have any drapes, not much upholstery (none of it new) and the rest of the chemicals in the house have been scrutinized and are the ones that I have used for awhile. I pay a lot of attention to all detergents, soaps, cleaners, and paper products because I react to lots of them. Chemicals seem to be my issues, not dust, mites, dander, or all of those "allergy" things.

I am renting right now, so ripping out the carpets and PVC-coated shelving isn't in the cards. They would both be out otherwise. So my questions to all of you.....have you found any plants to be particularly helpful? Any easy or hard to maintain?


House pests

Recommendations for pest control companies



Question: Can someone recommend a Pest Control Company, specifically one they've used for termites?

Threads:\ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lexington/message/18699

Carpenter ants

Question: Hi everybody. We seem to have a growing clan of carpenter ants who are making themselves increasingly comfortable inside the house. This is our first Spring in this house and I'd like to get some recommendations of who to call in the area who is reasonable and knowledgeable about this sort of thing. Thanks.


Identifying cycada killers

Question: There is a very threatening-looking wasp-like insect hanging around our driveway and front door. The body shape is like a very large yellow jacket. The head is a reddish-brown, the middle is yellow and black, and the rear end is black, with a wicked-looking stinger. There are three nest entrances in the ground, two about two feet apart and a third about seven feet away from the other two. The holes are about 3/4" across with a good-sized pile of excavated dirt next to each.

Can someone tell me what these are? And recommend an exterminator?


Racoons in the chimney

Question: It seems we have some sort of animal (or animals) living inside our chimney. We suspect it might be racoons. We've looked into their removal (and putting on a chimney cap), and narrowed the field down to the following two companies:

Baystate Wildlife NW Pest Control

Has anyone had any dealings with either of them? Positive or negative? We'd be interested also in hearing about your experiences if you've gone through something similar. If you have other companies you recommend, we'd be interested to hear that too.


Mice in basement/ & Ticks in yard

Question: Does anyone have any reliable companies for getting rid of mice in our basement? I am also looking for a company who is organically oriented to put something on our lawn to abolish the ticks. I have heard that organics are not successful here, but would appreciate others experiences, and names of whom to contact.


Carpenter bees help

Question: Hi, this is our first spring in our house and I see 3-5 large bees circling and hovering in a spot just under the eaves of our roof. I think they are carpenter bees. We have a gathering on Saturday night and need to get this taken care of ASAP. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.


Dealing with bees; what to do to prevent sting?

Question: Hi every one. We have bees nesting in the steps in front of the back door. Several times they circled around me to give a message. But normally they have not yet stung any one yet. It was just last week that a worker was stung by a bee in Lexington and died. I bought a product from Wanamaker Hardware in Arlington Heights. It is a dust from a company called Bonide (in business since 1926)... I haven't used the product because I am not sure if killing bees is the right thing to do. I am sure that attitude will change if one of us is stung. Is there a way to avoid getting stung by bees?"


Fruit fly infestation - what to do?

Question: Recently we have started seeing flies around the house, seem quite large. Yesterday, I went up to my third floor office and found about 20 flies buzzing around. There is no trace of food that I know of , no dead animals, but for some reason these flies have settled upstairs. I killed about 15 only to have new ones buzzing around. Should I call an exterminator? What would cause this to happen this tme of year. Any advice/ recommendations would be appreciated.


Power and electricity

Backup power/generators

Observation: In this day and age, with the availability of emergency back up generators, I can think of nothing more important in a home now than to make sure that auxiliary power is available. Over the past 40+ years in town I have seen people loose the entire contents of their basements and more because they did not properly plan for the unexpected and/or even expected losses of power...

...When the storm is gone, everything is back to normal, and working properly, I hope that people will give some thought to pre-planning for the next and inevitable power loss at their home. Set yourself a reminder on your I-phone, I-pad, electronic calendar, how ever you remind yourself of future appointments. Set it for 2-3 weeks from today, when hopefully everything will be back to normal. This is the time when you DON'T think about your sump pump, frozen pipes, spoiled food in the freezer, and contact your electrician or contractor and at least discuss the matter with them. It's a phone call that may save you many hours and days of aggravation, loss & problems for years to come.



Question: What is the collective wisdom of the list on who a good electrician is? Thanks.


Power supply company

Question: What should I check for when looking over an offer to switch to a new power supply company?

Answer: Some items to look at:

  • Are prices are variable, set at the company's discretion?
  • Is the disclosure statement on the company web site dated recently? What does it contain?
  • Is there an exit fee for interrupting the service?
  • Does their "green" power come from reputable sources? Or from such dubious sources as trash-burning plants, old hydro facilities that are not treated as Class I renewables in Massachusetts or most other states, and perhaps claimed emission reductions from turning food-processing waste into animal feed and using trains instead of trucks?


Solar panels installation

Question: Which companies have people used for solar panel installation, and how has it worked out?

Answer: Companies doing solar panel installation in the area include: SolarCity, Transformations, and Vivint Solar.


Outdoor and Traveling

Going outdoor

Hiking trail recommendation

Question: Hi. We plan to take both sets of grandparents, in their 60s and 70s, to New Hampshire this Saturday. Any recommendation on a easy yet beautiful trail, or a scenery drive? Within 2 hours from Lexington will be great. Thanks for your time.


Outdoor adventure ideas

Question: Next Thursday, my wonderful grandmother-in-law, June, will be visiting us from California for a couple of days and I'm having a hard time thinking of fun things to do with her that also are appropriate for my toddler. Grandma June will be turning 90 (in her namesake month of June), and given that she'll be here for Mother's Day too, I wanted to do something special and celebratory during the weekend. While Grandma's first love is meeting people and people watching, she also loves gardens, and shopping at vintage-y places -- not in fine antique places, but more finding a bargain at a flea market. Here's the catch: while she can walk from the car to the house, she's not all that mobile and needs a wheelchair for anything longer, and she's partially deaf.

While I know that she'll derive a lot of joy by staying around the house and enjoying everyone's company/watching her great-granddaughter play, I wanted to have one special outing for Mother's Day, and one special thing to do for a birthday pre-party (at home). Reviewing her past visits I recall that going to Garden In the Woods worked wonderfully because the docent got her into a golf cart and gave her a tour, which allowed Grandma June to chat with someone and tour a gorgeous place. However, doing a duck tour wasn't so great because it was more impersonal and the tour guide talked too quickly for Grandma to catch everything. Going to flea markets/antiquing was also difficult because there were steps involved that were difficult for her, and while my daughter tolerated that as a baby, I don't think she'll do well with such an outing now that she's a toddler. Given all the above, I feel like the Big Apple Circus, while great for my daughter, might be a bad idea for Grandma, and I'm looking to find something more akin to the golfcart tour at Garden In the Woods...

So, I'm hoping to get some ideas for (1) an outdoor adventure, and (2) to make dinner special at home, that are appropriate for both an almost 90 yo and a 2 yo. (I have contacted the barbershop quartet, Sounds of Concord, to see if they would consider coming over for a singing telegram, but sadly they're all booked up for a Mother's Day event. If you know of any other quartet type groups who would come over and serenade Grandma June with one song, and then sing Itsy-Bitsy Spider, or the like, for my daughter, I'd really appreciate it.)

I'm open to anything and everything that would make this a fun and festive weekend:-) Thanks List!


Lawn and garden

Clearing up concrete debris

Question: I had someone hack my back walk up last year and I have a large pile of heavy concrete remaining that has rebar all through it. I need to hire a person to take it away (God knows where). Does anyone out there have a suggestion? Thank you!

Answer: Try posting the task on taskrabbit.com - I had great luck getting some equally odd stuff picked up and taken away for about 60 bucks. You can make up a starting price for what you want to pay and you'll see what people are willing to do it for within hours (it's become a very busy site).



Question: Hi, does anyone know whether it is allowed in Lexington to compost food scraps in the backyard? Thanks!

Answer: Yes, composting in the back yard is allowed and even encouraged.


Disposing of fireplace ash

Question: I recently cleaned out our fire pit and put the ashes in lawn and leaf gas- probably 4 in total- heavy dense stuff. I out them out with the regular trash but unfortunately they were not collected. I am wondering what to do with them... Any suggestions would be appreciated... Thanks.

Answer: You can collect fireplace ash in a metal trash can and spread it on the lawn in the spring, as free fertilizer.


Dormant oil spraying

Question: Hi all. Does anyone recommend a tree service to spray dormant oil for winter moths? I'd love to go with a service that people have been happy with. Thanks.


Landscaper recommendation

Question: We are fed up with our landscaper and looking to contract with a new one for regular mowing, fertilizing, and fall/spring cleanup. Any recommendations? Thanks.


Lawn Mower Repair

Question: I hit a rock while mowing our lawn and seem to have caused an oil leak. Does anyone know a good repair person?


Lawn signs

Question: What are the rules for setting up lawn signs?

Answer: Lawn signs must be:

  • Placed 10 feet away from the edge of the road
  • 4 square feet or smaller in size, and 4 ft or less in height
  • No more than two signs are allowed per residence
  • Election lawn signs must be removed within 7 days after the election.



Question: Does anyone know where I can go to get good quality mulch delivered to my driveway? We had a delivery last year but I was not happy with the quality and seemed to get hundreds of large carpenter ants within days of it being laid, which in turn left me with a season of bad mulch and a large bill for pest control. I am looking for about 8 yards.


Patio weeds

Observation: This works so great and is so cheap and so non-damaging that I just had to share. You can kill the weeds that grow up between walkway bricks, bluestones, concrete joints etc. by just pouring some inexpensive white vinegar on them. No need for Roundup. I believe that this works on the same principal as those round dead spots on your lawn from dog pee.


Privacy fences height regulations

Question: Hi. Does anyone know if the town has any rules about the height of fences between adjoining properties? Thanks.

Answer: Lexington has a zoning FAQ as a PDF at [4]. Fences of 6 ft or lower may be placed anywhere on the property. Fences higher than 6 ft require a building permit and may be installed provided the height of the fence is not greater than its horizontal distance to the property line. For example, an 8 ft fence may be placed no closer than 8 ft of the boundary of the property.


Sand box sand delivery

Question: Anyone have a recommendation for how to get a bunch of sandbox quality sand delivered in lexington? I just don't picture myself lifting 10 50 lb bags....


Sprinkler systems

Question: Does anyone have good experience with a contractor for installation of a lawn sprinkler system? Thanks.


Sprinkler systems and water bills

Observation: I received a very high water bill this time, so high that the Water Dept suggested that I might have a leak and offered to come out and check. I was very pleasantly surprised by this offer. In fact I had put in a new lawn and so the excessive water was totally my fault. None-the-less I contacted them hoping I could do something about the sewer costs.

Robin Fullford at the Lexington DPW Water Dept was wonderful. She directed me to a Application for Abatement PDF on the town web page. http://lexingtonma.gov/dpw/ABATEMENT%20APPLICATION%202-10-12.pdf which allows me to request a one time only abatement.

Who knew?

So I filled out the form and, at her request, sent in a "good faith payment" equal to last year's bill. This form now goes to some Lexington Board and there appears to be good reason to believe that when they contact me in 6-8 weeks my cost for this period will go down substantially. I decided not to wait to bring it to your attention because if you need to take advantage of this for the current bill ing period you cannot wait.


Stump grinding

Question: Does anyone know who I can contact that will grind the stumps of trees we took down this past fall? If you have contact names, I would greatly appreciate you passing them along. Also, I've heard that one has to clearly state that the shavings be removed or one will end up with a lawn full of wood shavings. Is this true? Does anyone have experience in this that they would be happy to share? Many thanks!


Tree liability

Question: If a tree or large branch falls onto a neighbor's yard, who is legally responsible for the cost of removal? What about damage to the neighbor's property?

Answer: Generally speaking, unless the tree is diseased, decayed, or dead, the tree owner is not legally liable for any damage caused by falling branches, etc. onto a neighbor's property. But if a neighbor's tree overhangs your yard, you can cut the branches back to the property line. If damage occurred to your home because of a neighbor's tree, your homeowner's insurance should cover the loss. If someone makes a claim against you for damage caused by your tree, you can turn it over to your insurance company and let them handle it.


Tree work

Question: Does anyone has a good person or company to recommend?


Yard drainage recommendation

Question: We have some drainage issues in one corner of our yard and are thinking of getting a French drain or similar installed. Does anyone have any recommendations for a landscaper or contractor that can address this? Thanks in advance.


Parks in Lexington

Party in Lexington park

Question: I'm thinking of having a little informal birthday party in a Lexington park. Is there an approval I need to get from town officials?

Answer: Not for small informal birthday parties. If it really is just a few people getting together, that's what parks are for.

If you plan a larger event bringing tables and all of that, it would be best to check with the town officials. If you want the Battle Green then you will want to check with the Selectmen's office. The Battle Green is a little different from any other piece of ground in Lexington and the threshold is a bit tighter there. If you want something like Depot Square or Hastings Park, then you will want to check with the Town Manager's office. If it is a recreation field or area like Willard's Woods, then your first stop should probably be at Conservation. All of those offices can be called and all are in the same building within a few yards of each other if you want to visit. The phone number is 781-862-0500 and then listen to the menu.



Sightseeing around Lexington

Question: We will be having family members visit us in Lexington May 11-25, and as we're relatively new to town, we don't know all the must-see sites (particularly historical) and things to do in lexington/boston and vicinity. The visitors are mostly adults, with one 11-year-old girl who will be here for 5 days. Any suggestions greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Answer: Here is an incomplete list:


  • Buckman Tavern, Hancock/Clark House, Munroe Tavern Lexington

Historic houses and excellent tours run by in Costume (and sometime in Character) guides: http://lexingtonhistory.org

  • Our Museum of National Heritage, Lexington, MA
  • Battle Green where the "shot heard round the world" was fired
  • The Liberty Ride: a tram that travels around Lexington and Concord to

the various Historic venues: http://www.libertyride.us/

  • The Minuteman Nat'l Park - the visitor center has that great multimedia

film on the start of the revolutionary war, and you can walk on the battle road where the events actually occurred, read lots of plaques, etc. (Hartwell Tavern circa 1775, Paul Revere Capture Site) http://www.nps.gov/mima/index.htm

  • Orchard House (Louisa May Alcott's house, Little Women), Concord, MA
  • Walden Pond
  • Old North Bridge


  • Duck boat tours (it's an open-air bus/boat that tours Boston and always

looks SO fun!)(if we do that, we need to bring the kids!) http://www.bostonducktours.com/

  • Tour the "New" State House (built in 1798)- tours are free


  • The Old State House


  • The Freedom Trail: a great sampling of Historic Boston.


  • MIT museum (includes largest hologram collection in the world)


  • Boston Commons, Swan Boats
  • Frog Pond (outdoor ice skating in winter)
  • Top of John Hancock building for great viewing
  • Walk down the AMAZINGLY old, European-seeming, GORGEOUS streets of

Boston (e.g. Charles Street is really cool)

  • Museum of Science (Boston)


  • Aquarium
  • Isabella Gardner Museum
  • Harvard Museum of Natural History (Cambridge)

[especially the Glass Flowers exhibit -- highly recommended] http://www.hmnh.harvard.edu/

  • USS Constitution (Boston)
  • Prudential Center (big Mall, trolley tours & duck tours can start here)


  • Faneuil Market Place Boston
  • Bunker Hill (Boston)
  • Paul Revere's House (Boston)


One hour drive or less:

  • Salem, Mass (historical for witch trials)

BEACHES! (You can actually SWIM in the water!) Good Harbor Beach, Gloucester, MA and Rockport, MA

Plymouth Plantation (where the Pilgrims landed, set up just like the village the Pilgrims built, as well as a Native American village, all with people in period costumes ready to answer questions)

Battleship USS Massachusetts, Fall River

If open Mt Washington! (New Hampshire)


Snow related

Do I need a snow blower?

Question: Pardon my ignorance here... My family and I moved up here from the Washington DC area in the spring. This will be our first winter with New England snow levels. (We had snow in Maryland, but 2 inches would close the schools, and a foot was considered very heavy.)

Our driveway is 2 cars wide and maybe 1 3/4 cars long. (Sorry, but I'm lousy at estimating lengths.) One car will be garaged; the other -- mine -- will be in the driveway. The driveway slopes gently down from the street to the garage, with a short steep bit right before the garage.

My husband and I are used to hand shoveling the modest snows of Maryland, on a driveway about twice as long. We're in reasonably good shape, and know not to over exert. So, should we look at a machine? Or a more efficient people-powered device, if there is one?


What type of snow blower should one buy?

Question: ...It might be a good idea to try one out before you buy a snowblower, to see how comfortable it is to use. Our experience with a medium-sized gas-powered one (a Toro) was that it took a lot of effort to turn it, and to try to push it through the pile where the driveway meets the street. That combined with the noise, the gas fumes, and the storage issues (i.e., the need to empty it of gas before storing it after the last snowfall, and who knows which is the last one!) caused us after a few years to go back to shoveling, in peace and quiet, breathing in clean air, and thinking of it as good exercise. But I think ours wasn't self-propelled. I've also thought about looking into an electric one, but I have the impression that they can't handle snow deeper than a few inches. Does anyone have experience with those?


Recommendations for snow blower/lawn mower repair

Question: Ok experienced snow blower users, let's see what ideas you have for what could be wrong with my snowblower. It's 7 years old (Yard Machine Tecumseh 5.5hp) and has worked every year with no issues and was serviced last winter by someone in lexington whose contact details I've forgotten.

It worked well during the last snowfall. Prior to that I had changed the oil & fresh gas. I did not change the spark plug this winter out of laziness so it this is the second winter season it's being used. This morning the snow blower would not start. I did the following but still could not get it to start.

1) Press primer 3 times, choke full 2) then emptied the carburetor of gas by pressing the small button at the bottom 3) repeated item 1. 4) checked oil - level is fine, fresh oil colour 5) pulled the cable off the spark plug then put it back on (note I did not take the spark plug out) 6) repeated item 1.

If someone remembers the person in Lexington who services snow blowers that would be helpful. I'm sure it's a simple problem to get it going. Thanks.


Recommendations for snow remover


Town snow plowing blocking driveway

Question: I'm having an issue with the town's snow plowing.

Every time they plow our street, they leave 4 to 6 feet of unplowed snow on the street in front of my driveway and mailbox. Across the street they go within about a foot. It bothers me to think that I'm paying taxes to pay for the plowing of the streets and yet I am shoveling the street in front of my house where they should have plowed, shoveling part of the street in addition to around the fire hydrant, and shoveling out the storm drain that the would have gotten had they shoveled the street like they should.

I don't have a snow blower and I don't hire a snow plow because I think the exercise is good; but when the snow is heavy and the plow pushes and packs down the snow, it's a bit much. Anyone have any suggestions on what to do about this? Thanks.


Snow melt ideas

Question: I need to tap the creative thinking of this group. We are ready to have our storage unit and dumpster removed prior to putting our house on the market, but both are embedded in snow that is now frozen solid, and still 5 feet deep in places. I need to find a way to melt or remove this in the next couple of days. I'm thinking of renting a patio heater and putting it outside. I've also thought about creating a big tent with tarps and putting a space heater underneath. Other ideas? Thanks.



Personal trainer

Question: Looking for a personal trainer and wanted to see if anyone had recommendations. Needing someone who will push (but not necessarily a drill sergeant). Looking for high intensity workout but not light weight/high reps. Any recommendations would be appreciated.


Riding lessons

Question: We are currently researching riding lessons for our 5th grade daughter. We have checked out the Four Fillies Farm and would like to see others for comparison. My sister-in-law suggest getting involved with the Pony Club but the options would require driving a good distance from Lexington. I would love to hear any suggestions from the list. Many thanks.


Skating at the Old Reservoir

Question: When is skating at the Old Reservoir safe, in terms of outside temperature and thickness of the ice?

Answer: Here's a how to on checking ice safety: http://www.wikihow.com/Know-When-Ice-is-Safe


Ski tuning

Question: Hi there. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with getting their skis tuned at REI? Good/bad? Or, if anyone has any other local shops they would recommend, that would be helpful, too.


Swimming pools nearby

Question: Does anyone know of a swimming pool complex nearby where I can swim laps? Preferably indoor so that I can continue in the colder months of the year.


Tennis instructor recommendations

Question: Hello. Does anyone have a recommendation for a Tennis Instructor to teach private lessons at outdoor courts? Thanks,


Town Pool

Question: Anyone know what a kid's pass would cost me for the summer? Weekly pass? I googled rec. department and call, but site does not have the info as far as I can see, and the rec. dept. office is closed. Would like to send my kid swimming for the day. Thanks.




Question: Hi! I am looking for good places to eat near Acadia. We will be staying near the south entrance. Thanks.


Canada - Places to Visit

Question: We are interested in hearing about places to visit in Eastern Canada in the Fall. This includes cities with all of their attractions, as well as get away places where you primarily go for scenery, hikes, and rest and relaxation.

Do you have some favorite places (museums, historic places (houses, forts, reconstructed villages)), restaurants, parks, trails, performance venues, tours, ferry boats etc. in Eastern Canada that you can recommend?

We'd love to hear your recommendations!


Driving Cross Country

Question: Who has advice for me about driving from Boston to LA? Anything I should avoid? Anything I should not miss? Northern route, southern route?


Italy hotel recommendations sought

Question: Planning a trip to Italy... Does anyone have recommendations and/or places to avoid for hotels and apartment rentals? Thank you!


Family fun vacations for the summer?

Question: We're looking into a week-long vacation in New England or the New York area with my parents this summer. None of us are resort types, so we're seeking a scenic place with activities and other families nearby--something a four-year old will enjoy. I remember someone telling me about a cabin community on Lake Winnepesaukee. My father is in his early 80s and will want a nice clean bathroom, so we can't go too rustic. It would be great if there's some stuff to do within walking distance, so we don't have to drive everywhere. Many thanks for your ideas!


Foreign currency

Question: I'm planning a trip abroad. What is the best way to acquire foreign currency before and during the trip?

Answer: You may want to exchange a few hundred dollars at a local bank or currency exchange office before you leave, so you have local cash at the airport when you arrive. For a listing of local exchange offices, check the thread below.

Abroad, you can use credit or debit cards to make purchases or to withdraw money at an ATM. Some tips on use of debit and credit cards abroad can be found at flyerguide.com. Check with your bank and your credit card provider for ATM fees and point of sale fees. Typically, credit cards charge 3% in point of sale foreign transaction fees; that is still better than airport foreign currency exchange fees which could be as high as 15%. Debit cards charge between 1-3% for ATM foreign transaction fees. Some ATMs abroad do not have menus in English. Other ATMs abroad accept only 4 digit pins; if you have a longer than 4 digit pin try to enter the first 4 digits of the pin.


Lexington area hotels

Question: I have some family from out of state who'd love to visit us in the next few weeks. Our house isn't big enough for everyone, however. Can anyone recommend local places to stay? I'd really appreciate any advice!


London suggestions

Question: We're heading to London next week, and my daughter and I will be sight-seeing during the day while my husband is at work. Does anyone have some good suggestions on things to do in London with a 12-year old? Or evening ideas for all three of us? We're planning to see "Love Never Dies" the musical sequel to "Phantom of the Opera", but I'm interested in hearing other theatre suggestions as well.



Question: We have to drop our daughter off in Portland, Maine, in a week for camp and are thinking of going up a day or two ahead of time and staying for a day or two after with our other daughter. Any recommendations of places to stay near Portland with a 16- and a 12-year old for a few days without breaking the bank?



Question: If you are familiar w/ Montreal I am looking for suggetions of things to do (including 10 & 12 yr. boys) & places to eat in the current season. We have the Biodome and walking around the old town on the list already.


New England - Three Day Week-Emd Trip Suggestions

Question: Hi All! My children are going to visit their dad in Arizona for the next 4 weeks, and I am looking for creative ideas for 3 day weekends for my husband and I while they are away.

We are already planning a weekend in NYC, but that gives us 2 or 3 other weekends to explore. I've only lived in Boston since last July, and have enjoyed the Boston area, but looking forward to exploring other parts of New England that we can get to within 2 to 5 hours of driving.

About us: - BIG foodies - so good restaurants nearby are a necessity - Love cooking classes, wine tastings - We are very curious people and love learning - so destinations with historical significance are interesting - While we enjoy a nice walk or bike ride, we are not huge into hiking or kayaking, etc. - We are not "beach" people - We definitely don't want to "camp" or "rough it"

Also - my passport JUST expired and I have to wait 4 weeks for a replacement, so while I am LOVING all the Canada information and saving it, those aren't an option for us this month.


New York City Express Bus

Question: Does anyone know of any of the express buses, like Bolt Bus, have a pick up spot where you can leave your car overnight? We have a event in Manhattan next month and thought the bus might be the easiest and most cost effective way to go.


Outer Banks

Question: We're thinking about spending our summer vacation in the Outer Banks, and I'm looking for recommendations on where to stay, fun things to do with children, etc. I'm leaning towards towns on Hatteras and Roanoke Islands because they seem a bit less commercial & more remote than the northern beaches (Duck, Nags Head), but I'd appreciate any thoughts on this. Ideas for specific towns (or even homes/condos) would be great! Thanks.


Prince Edward Island Recommendations

Question: Hi. We are considering traveling to Prince Edward Island with our three children this summer, and I'm now researching places to stay, activities, etc. I would greatly welcome any recommendations for lodging, towns or beaches we shouldn't miss, fun activities for children, etc. Thanks very much in advance!


Rental - Vacation Rental Web Sites

Question: Hi. I vaguely remember a thread about websites where we can find reliable vacation rentals. If anyone here knows of any other than vrbo.com please could you let us know and thanks very much.


Rome, Venice, Paris Suggestions?

Question: We'll be visiting Rome, Venice and Paris for 2 weeks this June. Any ideas for things to do or places to visit would be very welcome. We have 2 boys aged 10 and 15. Except for Canada, they've never been outside the US. They are interested in history, but also love a touch of fun and adventure. Any ideas out there?


San Francisco lodging recommendations

Question: We are flying into San Francisco to spend several days there and in surrounding areas (Sonoma, Half Moon Bay, ???). We will rent a car and think staying somewhere just outside the city might be best cost-wise and parking-wise. Does anyone have suggestions as to what area would be best? Suggestions for lodging would be appreciated also. Thanks!


Travel agent

Question: I have a friend looking to plan a trip. Does anyone have a good travel agent to recommend?


Wild animals

Birds flying into windows

Question: Why do birds sometimes fly into windows, and how can one prevent it?

Answer: According to Mass Audubon, this is explained by territorial behavior of birds around their nesting sites. The birds see their image reflection and believe it is a rival. Closing curtains or applying bird "shadow" stickers on the window does not always prevent small birds from flying into the image reflection. Mass Audubon recommends doing nothing, on the theory that flying into windows is rarely fatally harmful to birds. Should you choose to cover the window, you should cover the outside to eliminate the image reflection of the bird - and you could do it with a transparent plastic sheet, taped at the top of the window. That way light still comes into the room through the plastic sheet, the image reflection is eliminated, and the wind rustling the plastic sheet will even scare the bird off.


Bird songs

Question: I've looked around on the web for a site that has audio for birds in Massachusetts and can't seem to find what I'm looking for (a collection that would allow me to identify what I'm hearing outside). If anyone knows of a good site, please let me know.

Answer: Check out the Peterson Field Guide to Bird Songs and also [5]. If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can also try iBird Explorer Lite. If you want to know more about local birds than you could possibly absorb, you could always join the Menotomy Birders List (named for the pre-Civil-War moniker for Arlington.) arlingtonbirds@yahoogroups.com.



Question: What does one do when ones walks up the street and comes up next to a coyote?

Answer: Coyotes generally avoid human contact, so normally there's no need to do anything at all. Unless one is walking a dog that is inclined to mix it up with a coyote, there's not much reason for concern. Don't be afraid of coyotes. There have only been 4 coyote attacks on humans in Massachusetts since they were first confirmed in the state in the 1950s. Check out the Mass. Div. of Fisheries & Wildlife page on living with coyotes and the Mass Audubon pamphlet on coyotes.


Deer sightings


Deterring bird from destroying cedar shingles

Question: During the last week I have a bird who has been pecking holes in my cedar shingles. I have not been able to get a good view of the bird because as soon as I open the window it takes off but I now have around eight good size holes in three shingles all in the same area. Is there anything I can do to redirect the bird to the many trees surrounding the house instead of my house? The area is around a second floor window high above the ground. Any suggestion will be appreciated.


Foxes in Lexington

Observation: Here's a link to Mass Wildlife about living with foxes: [6]. As stated in the "Habits" section, foxes are both shy and curious and can be active both day and night.


Racoons in the chimney

Question: It seems we have some sort of animal (or animals) living inside our chimney. We suspect it might be racoons. We've looked into their removal (and putting on a chimney cap), and narrowed the field down to the following two companies: Baystate Wildlife and NW Pest Control. Has anyone had any dealings with either of them? Positive or negative? We'd be interested also in hearing about your experiences if you've gone through something similar. If you have other companies you recommend, we'd be interested to hear that too. Thanks.



Question: We have had a skunk meandering around over driveway for the past two days. Any thoughts of how to convince the critter to get back into the woods and away from our home? Thanks.



Question: We seem to have a snake living under the deck by our back door ... the door I use most frequently to enter the house. I know nothing about snakes, but from the bit of research that I've done, it may be a garter snake and it's about 2 feet long. So not the biggest or the most poisonous snake in the world :-) but I'm from a country where there are NO reptiles at all in the wild and I admit I'm a bit freaked out by this and would like to get it away from my house. Any recommendations?

Answer: Snakes in Lexington are non-poisonous and eat mice and small rodents. Unlike the other rodent-reducing predators (coyotes, foxes) there's no danger that a snake will also eat your cat. Snakes are afraid of humans - the best thing to do is to stomp as you approach. Snakes sense vibrations and will retreat back into their hiding place.


Squirrels in the attic

Question: Squirrels have moved into the attic and my initial attempts to get rid of them have been fruitless... Any recommendations for exterminators local to Lexington would be appreciated! The house is 60 years old.


Will an animal try to make a home under my shed?

Question: We're building a garden shed on a sloping piece of land. The footings are about six inches high on one side, and closer to a foot off the ground on the other, given the slope of the land. We were going to try to put crushed stones under the shed, but it's so high that it would take way too many to fill the space. We're hoping that neither rabbits nor other creatures will turn the dark ground under there into their home. Do those with experience think we're in the clear?


Woodpeckers! How to keep them away from the house?

Question: We have at least one woodpecker who has decided to peck through the siding. How do we deter him/her? We've discovered a couple of holes which we'll fill, but how to stop it happening again?! Thanks.


Yard animals

Chickens and hens

Question: Hello. I am looking for young hens (less than a year old). Where does one get them around here? Thanks.

Answer: Talk to people at Codman Farm or Drumlin Farm, both in Lincoln. They both sponsor workshops on raising backyard chickens on a regular basis. You can also buy chickens mail-order.


Yard pests

Cut worms




Hemlock woolly adelgids

Question: Does anyone have experience with a professional service for treating these on your hemlocks? Any and all advise is greatly appreciated.



Question: I'm looking for a reliable (year after year use) mosquito killer for 0.33 acre of land. What do people recommend?

Answer: Some people use Mosquito Magnet, others use Flowtron, yet others use UV tube bug zappers, with mixed effects. Mosquito Magnets work well for the first couple of years, then inexplicably their performance goes down. Mosquito Magnets also output a lot of CO'_2_' in the atmosphere. Bug zappers also kill a great amount of other good insects along with the mosquitoes. For a discussion of the merits and the efficiency of each solution read the threads below.



Question: During the last month or so, tiny brown insects have appeared on our front outdoor porch, mailbox, and other surfaces. They collect in large numbers in the morning and generally disappear later in the day. They seem to like temperatures around 40-45 degrees. We didn't see them last week on mornings during which we had frost but they are back again today. They crawl around and will hop or jump away when approached by an object like a finger or branch. We haven't seen them flying. So... has anyone else seen such insects and does anyone know what they are?

Answer: You are probably seeing springtails - http://insects.tamu.edu/fieldguide/aimg1.html - The ones known as "snow fleas" are more common around here in the winter, but I've also recently been seeing the ones you describe. Mother Nature always has something new for us, doesn't she?



Question: Where can we find information about ticks?

Answer: Much more than anyone needs to know about ticks and hosts for Lyme disease from the American Lyme Disease Foundation: http://www.aldf.com/deerTickEcology.shtml

Tick bites often, but not always develop a red halo around the bite site. The current medical protocol for Lyme tick bites is that if it's addressed within 72 hours of the initial bite, a one time bolus of doxycycline (two capsules) is effective in combating it. If it's been longer than 72 hours, you have to go onto antibiotics for something like 3 weeks. You should call your personal physician immediately when you observe a tick bite on your body.


Winter Moths

Question: Starting a few days ago (maybe because the weather got more mild) I all of a sudden have hundreds of small moths around my front door and garage. I suppose that because I have night lights in both places they are attracted. They stary in one place during the day as if attached.

Answer: What you're seeing is the Winter Moth, Operophtera brumata, an insect which is doing an excellent job of defoliating trees. It originates from Europe, and invaded eastern Massachusetts more than a decade ago and has caused widespread defoliation of many deciduous tree species ever since. The infestation has spread to Rhode Island and is expanding westward in Massachusetts. Invasions of winter moth have occurred at other sites in North America, namely Nova Scotia in the 1950s and in the Pacific Northwest in the 1970s.

You can talk to your arborist about doing a horticultural oil spray in the spring to smother the Winter Moth eggs.

According to an Elkinton lab article, winter moths invasions can be controlled by introducing a natural enemy of the moth, also originary from Europe, named Cyzenis albicans. This fly will not invade other species than the winter moth, and its numbers will decline once it controls winter moth. The C. albicans has been used successfully to control winter moths in Nova Scotia since the 1950s.



Accounting and taxes

Accountant recommendations

Question: Hi Lexington people. I am looking for an accountant to help with the tax return of a grantor-type trust. I'd like someone local, who is knowledgeable about tax returns for grantor-type trusts, and who is reasonably priced. Happy to work with someone who is new in the business as long as they know their stuff. I am quite price-sensitive as well. Welcoming your ideas....thank you!



Antiques appraiser

Question: I have some antique furniture (chairs, table) that I'd like to get appraised. Any recommendations?


Clock Repairer

Question: I have an antique clock (vintage 1915) that is in need of repair. Can anyone recommend a reputable clock repair person who is reasonable and located in the greater Boston area?




Question: I have some silver plate objects (bowls and the like) and some china serving pieces that my grandmother had collected. Does anyone know where I can take them to see whether they're worth anything?


Automobile related

Auto body shops

Question: Hi , I need to get recommendations for a local auto body shop to fix some dings and dents in one of my cars (Toyota Prius)- Any recommendations not too far from Lexington?


Auto buying/selling


Auto detailing recommendation

Question: Hi. I need to get my SUV detailed cleaned. Any recommendations not too far from Lexington? Thanks.


Auto electrical work


Auto glass

Question: Does anyone know of a reliable company that installs replacement auto glass? My 10 year old Ford Focus wagon needs to have the rear window replaced since the defrosting elements no longer work. The dealer told us to "go to a glass replacement" specialist.


Auto mechanic

Question: Does anyone have any recommendations for a good auto mechanic in the area? We just moved here, and given the trouble I had starting my car this morning, we might need one soon. We have a Subaru and a Toyota.


Auto mechanic - Audi

Question: Does anyone have a recommendation for a mechanic (non-dealer) who is good with Audis? Ones to avoid would also be good to know. Thanks!


Auto mechanic - Volvo

Question: I was hoping to get recommendations for a local mechanic with experience working on Volvos (other than Cinderella Carriage). Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Auto painting - touch up paint

Question: Anyone had a terrific experience with getting scrapes and chips taken care of? No dings, but pretty sure it needs some paint and not just buffing. Small stuff, hoping to keep it very economical. Thanks.


Car rental recommendations

Question: Hello. I’m renting a car for the first time in a couple of years. Have any of you rented from any of the less expensive companies – e.g., Budget, Dollar, Advantage, Midway, etc.? If so, can you tell me about your experience?


Car shipping

Question: Hi, Does anyone have any experience with car shipping? I am debating weather I should drive or ship a car out to Ohio for my college daughter. Thank you.


Car tires - installing new tires

Question: Hi. My Sienna needs one new tire. Does anyone have a good recommendation of where to go? Thanks.


Car tires - fixing a flat tire

Question: Hello. We woke up this morning to a very flat back tire, and would like to find someone near by who can quickly patch up the leak. We would appreciate any suggestions about where we can get the tire repaired reasonably. Thank You!


Car wash

Question: Can anyone recommend a good car wash nearby -- not detailing, just a good old soap and rinse to get the dust off?


Driving school

Question: I know this has come up before but am having trouble finding reference in the search capability. I am looking for a recent recommendation for a driving school that does home pick up/drop off in Lexington. I am looking for on the road classes/observation (vs classroom) at this point. I have had difficulty getting in touch with a person at Lexington Driving school - voice mail exchanges then no response. If that is the only show in town, or the best, I will be persistent, however other ideas are welcome. Thx!


Engine repairs

Question: The engine light is on in my car and the sensor continues to come back on after being reset. So I am looking for a reliable place for engine repairs for a Toyota Camry (older model). Thank you!


License road test - finding a car for use for a license road test


Training for crash prevention

Question: Where can I find information about an automobile crash prevention/driver education class?


Toyota Prius advice

Question: Hi. We are in the market for a new car and I would love to buy a car with good gas mileage, so of course the Prius comes immediately to mind. I was talking with someone who owns a Prius (and loves it), but says it has a hard time on snow and slippery roads. I was wondering if other Prius owners have similar problems with their cars in bad weather. It could be a show stopper for me.



Kids savings account

Question: It's time to go from piggy bank to savings account for my kids. Anyone know of a bank that has accounts where you can start with a small deposit?

Answer: Most banks offer free accounts to persons 18 and younger. Banks chartered in MA are required by law to offer free of charge accounts for persons 18 and younger or 65 and older. For particular bank recommendations, read the thread below.


College student banking account

Question: What things should one look for when shopping around for a college student banking account? What banks in the area offer good deals for college student accounts?

Answer: For bank recommendations, read the thread below. Some banks offer totally free student checking, with no minimum deposit, and free ATM use anywhere in the country (via reimbursing ATM fees). It is also good to check whether the bank has branches located in Lexington as well as in the vicinity of the college, so the student can bank in both places.


Beauty salons

Eyebrow Threading

Question: Does anyone have a recommendation as to where to get eyebrow threading besides the mall? Thanks.


Hair stylist

Question: We are new to Lexington and among a million other things, I need to find a new hair stylist and colorist. I have short, fine hair that for some reason seems to be hard to cut. For color, it's just a matter of simple highlights. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!



Question: Where does one get a reasonably priced pedicure around Lexington? Don't need to high-end. Thanks!


Computers and Phones

Buzzing Phone Lines

Question: Hi all. We are having a problem with static (so much so that you can't hear the other person on the line) on our Verizon Fios phone line. The problem appears to be internal to the house, as there is no static if I plug a handset into the box outside the house. We've had this problem in the past, it comes and goes, but this time it seems to be staying.

My question is, what kind of service person do I call to have the problem chased down and fixed? I envision at least some of the phone wiring needing to be pulled and replaced. Would that be an electrician? Or are there people that specialize in phone wiring? (We've already had Verizon out, and though the service person tried very hard to chase down the issue for me, it seems not to be their issue). Any help appreciated.



Question: Our 14 year-old son will be participating in a 2-week Public Speaking and Argumentation program beginning July 21 and he needs to bring a laptop. We do not own an extra one that we can give him. Does anyone have a laptop he can borrow or ideas for us about renting or acquiring a laptop at a discounted price? He will need to use the Internet for research and a word processing program to write.


Computer disposal

Question: Is there any recycling (where? how?) of computer equipment (eg broken laptop) or does it just go in the weekly trash? Thanks.

Answer: See this page on the town web site for information: http://www.lexingtonma.gov/dpw/otherdisposal.cfm


Computer gaming advice

Question: Hi all. Anyone have a good recommendation for teen level game, that is NOT a first person shooter? Thanks.


Computer repair

Question: My laptop has ground to a halt and I am in desperate need of repair. It's running, but unbearably slowly. I searched the archives, but did not find any recommendations for a person/place that can help. Can someone out there recommend a trustworthy, reasonable, (and, of course, fast) place to get my machine back up and running? Thanks in advance for your help!


Data recovery

Question: Does anyone have a recommendation for data recovery from a dead hard drive?


Finance - personal finance software

Question: I was wondering if anyone had recommendations for a personal finance software package that is easy to use. I want to move my homespun spreadsheets into something that is easier to manage. Any suggestions on ones to look at or avoid would be appreciated!


International phone rates

Question: What is your experience with international one-rate plans?


Internet service providers in Lexington

Question: What are the internet service providers in Lexington?

Answer: Internet service in Lexington is offered by Verizon (FIOS), Comcast (Cable) and RCN (Cable).


iPad favorite apps

Question: I am thinking of getting an iPad for my husband for Christmas. I wanted to be able to give him some suggestions for fun/interesting apps. Can you let me know your favorite can be for gaming, entertainment, sports, anything. Thanks!

Answer 1: Right now we are doing a massive remodel so I've been living inside houzz .com's app for eons... Flipboard is an excellent news app - unique interface and very deep coverage across all topics.

Answer 2: We like scrabble.


iPhone 4S favorite GPS app


Kids safe web surfing

Question: Can anyone recommend a kids safe web browsing software that either installs into a browser or is a browser that does not make the PC slow to a halt? Thanks.


Password manager

Question: In the past I have used Roboform, then I switched to LastPass. Something has changed and I can no longer have LastPass autofill forms when I go to a site that I have visited before and for which LastPass has stored my log-in data. Can someone recommend another password manager? Thanks.


Podcasts - favorite list

Question: Hi – I set up iTunes on a new computer today and added a few podcasts, which left me thinking that there must be many excellent podcasts that I don’t know about. Anyone care to share one or more of them?

Answer: Here is a list compiled from several responses:

Here’s the Thing (Alec Balwin interviews people)
Fresh Air (Terry Gross’ show)
The Bowery Boys (NYC history & culture)
The Diane Rehm Show (maybe the best radio call-in show about politics and current events)
Marketplace (the economy made interesting)
TED talks (very interesting talks given by innovators)
All the slate.com gabfests.
99% invisible (art & architecture)
Radio open source with Chris Lydon
New Yorker political scene
Sound opinions (music, interviews)
WTF with Marc Maron (comedian interviews comedians)
99% Invisible (architecture and design)
Radiolab (brilliant)
New Yorker Out Loud (conversation about a story from the week’s issue)
Memory Palace (similar to 99% invisible, but the vignettes are related to history)
BackStory with the American History Guys (context on current events through its history through the centuries)
The History of the World in 100 Objects (consists of 100 fifteen minute talks on objects spanning many thousands of years)
The Moth (True stories told live onstage without notes, on a variety of themes)
The Story Collider (like The Moth, but all the stories have a connection to science)
Car Talk: Click and Clack
BBC Outlook
BBC Witness
BBN In Our Time
PRI:Selected Shorts
Studio 360
Freakonomics Radio
Wait, Wait, don't tell me
New Yorker, Fiction
Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast
The Splendid Table
New York Times Book Review
Planet Money
CBC's Wiretap


Podcasts - speeding up playback without raising pitch

Question: Do some of the iphone or android podcast/mp3 players provide speed control so that podcasts can be played at a faster speed without raising the pitch, which can be done with the Pacemaker plug-in for Winamp for Windows?

Answer: Doggcatcher for Android allows speeding up of podcasts. Also, Apple's podcast app allows you to play at up to 3x without changing the pitch.


Scanner recommendation

Question: Hi all. Does anyone have a scanner that they love, isn't flakey, and does its job? Â (Either Mac or PC) Â If so, I'd love your recommendation. I'm looking for a scanner only, not a printer/scanner/fax machine - unless you have one of those and it doesn't flake out even more than a single purpose machine. Thanks so much!


Software for writing music

Question: Hi all. My son's Christmas list includes a computer program for writing music. (I am told that it is called music notation software.) Help! Does anybody know of a good one that wouldn't be too complicated for an 8th grader? Thanks so much for any help.

Answer: Check out MuseScore, which also has an Android version, Noteflight, LilyPond which is open source, also the two big names in commercial music Finale and Sibelius.


Website Designer/Programmer Recommendation

Question: Does anyone have recommendations for a Website Designer/Programmer? Thanks in advance for your suggestions.


Wireless in-home network help

Question: We're trying to sort out our long-standing wireless network problems in our house. Thanks for any suggestions.



Book donations

Question: Can anyone recommend a good place to donate books? I have been doing some weeding and have a number of books to get rid of. Thanks.


Household goods donations

Question: Can anyone recommend a good place to donate household items? I have been doing some weeding and have a number of books to get rid of. Thanks.


Stuffed animal toys donations

Question: Does anyone know of a good home for 20-30 small to medium sized stuffed animals?


Elder care

Assisted living

Question: Hi. I'm looking for a recommendation for an assisted living facility, one that is not too far from Lexington and that can handle the continuum of stages of Alzheimer's.


Events, reunions and weddings

Venue recommendations for 50th anniversary

Question: Hi everyone. My parents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary next spring and my brother and I are planning a luncheon for 40. Does anyone have any restaurants to recommend for this event? Thanks so much!


Wedding planner

Question: Does anyone have a recommendation for a wedding planner?

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lexington/message/22823 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lexington/message/22831

Wedding places

Question: Hi all. A friend is going to get married soon. She is wondering if there are any budget wedding places around Lexington, which can hold at least 30 people. She prefers indoors because of the weather. Any info would be greatly appreciated.



Financial advisers

Question: Can anyone recommend a financial planner?



Hostess Gift

Question: My daughter is traveling to Helsinki to visit a friend she made this year. I wanted her to take a gift for her friend's parents. Any ideas what would be a nice and appropriate hostess gift? Thanks.


Home Alarm

Home Alarm service

Question: We are considering having a home alarm service installed this summer and I did not see a referral on the list. I would appreciate information on who you may be using and any comments as to the response service.



Automobile Insurance

Question: Hello. I recently had some dealings with my insurance agent, and I am *not* happy with the service I received. I am considering switching, and would like to know if anyone has an auto insurance agent they are very happy with.


Adding young driver to automobile insurance

Question: Looking for advice. We'll be adding our son (16-year old son) to our car insurance and looking to compare costs. Our current insurance (2 cars) quoted an additional $2500.

Answer: One way to minimize costs is to make the young person "principal driver" of the least expensive car in the family. The young driver will still be covered for occasionally driving the other cars. Another option is to assign the young person as an "occasional driver" only. An umbrella liability policy covering the young driver is recommended. Keep in mind that MA insurance rates can vary dramatically between different insurance companies, so it might be worth using an independent insurance agent who has access to multiple car insurance providers and who can help you choose a low cost option with good coverage.


Health Insurance for person visiting USA

Question: My mother-in-law will be visiting for 5 weeks this coming January / February. She usually takes out a health insurance policy (in England) for the duration of her stay which costs about $110. It appears that because she has now turned 80, and her trip is more than 30 days, the health insurance premium has shot up to $450 - which she cannot afford.

I looked on-line for companies that offer health insurance for out of country visitors, and there do seem to be a few (no idea about premiums, etc). Does anyone have any experience with this? Are there options I may not have thought of? Reputable companies someone has tried? Thanks in advance.


Insurance broker

Question: Hi. We are moving within Lexington and are looking for a broker for home owners insurance. Thanks for the suggestions!



Gold selling

Question: My great aunt would like to sell some gold jewelry and asked me both for help selling it and to help her find a reputable place that will buy it. I've been in MA for exactly four months so have no idea. Is anyone able to advise on this? Thank you.



Elder law and Medicare

Question: Hi. I am looking for any recommendations for a law office that specializes in elder law and the medicaid application process. Thanks.


Employment law

Question: Hi all. Would someone know of an employment lawyer (prefer N shore area) .... but local is ok. My sister in law just got let go and needs help negotiating her severance, etc. Thanks so much.


Estates and Wills

Question: I want to update my very old will and have my estate planned. I received a mailing from a local lawyer about these services. He is in Lexington. Has anyone used him and would you recommend him? I would also like alternate recommendations. Thank you.


Immigration attorney

Question: Does anyone know an immigration attorney they would recommend?


Patent attorney

Question: Hi. Does anyone know a patent attorney that I could talk to? Thanks for your help.


Personnel law

Question: I have a great lawyer, but I can't seem to reach him. Dang. And I need some advice regarding a ex-employee. I've checked the data base and there are several lawyers listed, but not for personnel law. Anyone to recommend?


Mail and Shipping

Location of the home mailbox

Question: Hi, is there any process we have to go through to move our mailbox from the street to our front door? Whenever there is a snow storm, there is quite a lot of snow to dig out for the mail person plus I feel it would add security. Thank you.

Answer: Ask at the Post Office. You probably want to speak to the Delivery Supervisor. Most Lexington neighborhoods are not eligible for "City Delivery", meaning that mail cannot be delivered at the door - and the mailbox has to be located at the curb.


Shipping heavy item from another state

Question: Hi all. Would anyone have any ideas on economically moving a refrigerator one way from outside Philly to Lexington? We were thinking of driving but, time might not allow..... Any ideas would be welcome.

Answer: For shipping, you can use http://uship.com. Or you could try to sell the fridge in Philly and buy another in Lexington.




Question: I would appreciate recommendations for local acupuncturists. Lexington location is preferable, but any of the surrounding towns would also be fine. Thanks.


Cervical surgeon/doctor needed

Question: Can anyone give me the names of cervical surgeons/doctors that you know of who are highly regarded? Many thanks in advance.



Question: Looking for a good chiropractor in the neighborhood. Thanks.



Question: My dental insurance recently changed. Unfortunately, the dentist my family has used for years is no longer covered. On top of that, I recently chipped a front tooth and need to have some repair work that will be visible anytime I smile... Can you recommend a dentist who does that kind of work very well? Thanks!



Question: Hello. I am looking for recommendations for a good dermatologist preferably with office in Lexington. I looked at our listing but did not find any. Sorry for the repeat request if it was discussed earlier in the group. Thanks.



Question: I am asking for a friend who's been treated for thyroid cancer, and now needs an endocrinologist who is a thyroid specialist in the greater Boston area. Her current endocrinologist is retiring. Might you have any recommendations?


Executive function coach

Question: Can anyone recommend an executive function coach for a 14 year old (8th grade)? Thanks.


Eye doctor

Question: Hey all. I am in desperate need of a new eye doctor. I want to stick with Lexington Eye (I already go there for contacts) but would love some recommendations for an eye doctor at that practice. Thanks!


Eye glasses - making new ones

Question: Hi, I need to pick up a couple extra pairs of reading glasses and don't want to spend big bucks. I have a prescription - I know this was recently discussed but can't remember the recommendations. Thanks.


Eye glasses - where to donate used eye glasses

Question: Does anyone know where I may deliver used eyeglasses in town? Thank you.


Hearing Aids

Question: I am helping my mother with research on hearing aids -- we get a lot of promotional material in the mail and wonder if anyone has a good recommendation of one brand over another.


Holistic MD

Question: Does anyone have a recommendation for a holistic MD in the area? Thanks in advance.


Massage therapist

Question: Does anyone have any experience with a massage therapist that can help with a pinched nerve? Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks!


Home health aid

Question: I am looking for a home health aid for my mom and wondered if anyone had any suggestions. She is confused and falls often so I need someone to be there to keep her from falling. Thanks.


Medicine side effects

Question: I want to share my experience with this drug so no one else has to suffer the side effects. Where should I do it?

Answer: The *best* thing that will inform/benefit the largest amount of current/potential patients it to report your experience and symptoms directly to the drug manufacturer. For example, for Bayer Pharma AG use [7].

Every drug (+ vaccine, medical device) manufacturer is required to have a safety/pharmacovigilance department tasked with the responsiblity to collect, analyze and report (to FDA in the USA) all adverse effects experienced by patients taking their products. You can also report your experience directly to the FDA through [8].

Oral Surgeon

Question: My daughter (16) may need her wisdom teeth removed (four, impacted). Looking for a good oral surgeon recommendation.


Orthopedic doctor

Question: Need recommendation for a good doctor for an injury due to fall during casual soccer game.




Primary Care Physician

Question: Dear friends, my Primary Care doctor is unexpectedly retiring. I am hoping for suggestions about physicians still accepting patients into their practices.


Physical Therapist

Question: Hi. I hurt my lower back at the gym yesterday and am in a fair amount of pain. I have been doing the usual (motrin, stretching, moving...) but am thinking it would be a good idea to have someone lined up in case it doesn't heal quickly. I am pretty active and this is unusual for me. I know there had been some dialogue about this a few months ago but would really appreciate any recommendations that are local. Thanks.



Question: I am looking for a podiatrist, and was hoping to avoid just pulling a name from a phone book. Any thoughts out there? Thanks.


Prescriptions - discarding unused prescriptions

Question: I have many leftover Rx medications that are sealed and never opened. Change in doctors and change in doctors’ minds. The items are not expired. Is there a charity that would take these? I would rather do that then give to the next medical waste collection.

Answer: You cannot donate prescription medication, as this would break regulations about medication use. To discard medication, follow these steps for safe disposal.


Rehabilitation clinic

Question:Hi. My elderly mother is about to do some short-term rehab after a broken hip. For the first time, I want to bring her to rehab near me here in Lexington. I am seeking your input especially on any experience you've had with family/friends at Golden Living here in Lexington, specifically -- or other nearby rehabs including Neville Manor in Cambridge and Park Ave Rehab in Arlington. Thank you so much.


Rides to medical appointments

Question: Are there any services (people) to help residents to get rides to medical appointments (to surrounding towns). Thanks!



Estate sale agent

Question: Hi. If anyone has a recommendation for an estate sale agent, I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks.


Mover recommendation

Question: Hi. We are looking for reasonably priced, CAREFUL movers for mid-December. Any thoughts? If you have warnings against any companies, please send off-list. Thanks. All input appreciated.



Boarding pets

Question: Greetings. We have yet to find a satisfactory boarding kennel convenient to Lexington. Any recommendations? Thanks.


Cat - getting a kitten

Question: Hi all. Does anyone know of a good no-kill shelter where one can adopt kittens? Thank you so much!


Cat groomer


Cat sitter


Dog groomer recommendations

Question: Wondering if anyone has a dog groomer that they especially love? (even better if you have a cocker spaniel or some other dog that needs a lot of clipping).


Dog sitting services

Question: Hello all: I am asking for recommendations for dog sitters in Lexington. Thank you.


Dog trainers

Question: Can someone recommend an excellent dog trainer in the area? I prefer classes...we have taken my in-laws dog over, and it has a tendency to run off when able and is nasty to men and other, bigger dogs. I do not think it was ever trained, because it doesn't even understand "sit".


Dog - getting a rescued dog

Question: Folks: we are interested in exploring the possibility of getting a rescue dog ourselves--I would be curious to know where you got your dog from and how satisfied you are with the care the dog got prior to your adoption. Thanks!



Question: Hi! I'd love to get some recommendations for vets.


Veterinary ophthalmologist

Question: Can anyone recommend a veterinary ophthalmologist? For the past 5 or 6 years our dog has had an annual checkup with a veterinary ophthalmologist, and we have used prescription drops to treat a tear deficiency ("dry eye.") I called to make an appointment and was told that the ophthalmologist (a Lexington resident, as it happens) is no longer practicing. Of course I'm nearly out of drops, and the prescription has expired and can't be renewed. They don't have another ophthalmologist at their practice.

I wonder if someone might have a veterinary ophthalmologist recommendation? There's a veterinary hospital in Woburn that claims to offer ophthalmology services; has anyone had experience there (good or bad)? Thanks.


Photography and Video

Converting photo slides to digital pictures

Question: Could anyone give me a recommendation for a place that would convert slides to digital pictures? Thanks.


Passport photo

Question: Anyone know of any local place to get passport photos taken?

Answer: You can do it in the following places:

  • At the most Walgreens/CVS Pharmacies
  • At the Post Office
  • At Wales copy in the Lexington Center
  • At Photo Quick on Lexington Street in Waltham
  • At Flash Photo (located at the corner of Lowell Street and Woburn Street, between Ace Hardware and Alexandria's Convenience store, across the street from Countryside plaza)
  • If you are a member of AAA, they do passport photos for free as part of your membership benefits.



Question: Who can recommend a photographer that does social events. We have a Bar Mitzvah later this year and are looking for a good but reasonably priced photographer.


Video Uploading/Sharing Websites Suggestions

Question: Hi, I've been trying the whole night to upload a video (about 90MB, 1 minute and 10 seconds long,) through "Shutterfly.com", and it could not succeed. Do you have any suggestions of a free video uploading/sharing website? I am planning to share the videos( of my kids) with our relatives, so anything more private than Facebook and Yotube will be great. Thanks very much.



Massachusetts "Do Not Call" list

Massachusetts residents can sign up using a web site, http://www.mass.gov/donotcall, by telephone, (866) 231-2255, or through the mail, at P.O. Box 1348, Boston, MA, 02117.

Calls from nonprofit and political organizations are exempted, as are calls from businesses that have a prior relationship with residents.


Reducing unwanted phone calls and mail

Use the government Do Not Call list and the Direct Marketing Association's Opt Out database - both are really easy to use and seem to be somewhat effective (there are all sorts of loopholes, particularly for political material).

1. Limiting phone calls

2. Limiting Junk Mail
Use DMAchoice.com (part of the Direct Marketing Association)
Vendors are not obliged to utilize this database but it does save them money


Public venues

Meeting space

I'm looking for meeting space in Lexington that is preferably NOT church affiliated. At the moment, it's just for a single meeting, at which a movie will be shown, and there may or may not be a couple of songs sung, though not raucous songs (the latter is why I think the library meeting rooms might not work). The hitch is that I'm looking for something that is either free or low cost. Any ideas, oh knowers-of-all-things-Lexington?


Real estate

Advice for family looking to buy a house in Lexington

Question: Hello all. A friend from work wants to buy a place in our town - not necessarily brand new, but with the prospect of renovating. She loves the town outlook and is impressed with the quality of the schools. What real estate agents does the list recommend? Also, what are the prudent things to check for when evaluating a house buy in Lexington? Thanks.


Mortgage refinance recommendations

Question: Does anyone recommend a bank/mortgage lender to look into for refinancing? Thanks very much!


Office Space

Question: Looking for small office to rent with shared conference room for Lexington nonprofit. Thanks.



Where do you shop in Lexington center?


Shopping discounts for elderly people



Recommendation for storage facilities

Question: Hi. Can anyone recommend a good storage place that is near Lexington? We are looking for a safe/clean facility that has larger size (room size) storage. Thanks!



Dress alterations

Question: Hi. Does anyone have a local tailor that does a good job with dress alterations. We have a bridesmaid dress that needs the bodice altered. Thanks.


Volunteer jobs

Recommendations for places to volunteer time/efforts near Lexington

Question: Hello all. In discussion with my 8.5 and almost 7 year old - and they have expressed an interest in volunteering as a family to a local organization each month starting in September. I'm beginning investigation in where we can donate our time, services, etc. nearby in Lexington. Often, there is an age requirement for volunteers to be at least 16 years of age.

Does anyone know of / recommend any places that need volunteers, where younger children could be accompanied by their parents? As my kids are interested in the spirit of giving, I don't want to squash their eager hopes by saying they have to be older. Any suggestion welcome. Thanks!


Social life


Soliciting - door to door

Question: Hi all. Anyone else get canvassed today by someone claiming to be raising money for the nonprofit, Graceful Hands? This is the second time in the last two months that we've been approached by a group alleging to be raising money for an anti-gang, anti-poverty effort. I'm all for giving to reputable charities, but I'm not all that confident that Graceful Hands isn't a scam. Curious to get insights from others.

Answer: It is always useful to use http://www.charitynavigator.org/ to check out charities. One caution is that small places, faith based organizations, etc. may not appear if they do not fill out certain IRS documents. Anyway, Graceful Hands is not listed so I would not deal with them.


Transportation and Commuting


Porter Airlines

Question: Has anyone used Porter Airlines to fly to Montreal? The prices seem to be quite a bit lower than other airlines. Thanks.


Unaccompanied Minors

Question: My daughter is going out of state later this summer by plane, I hope. What are the rules for an unaccompanied minor? I think there is an additional fee for monitoring. Can this type of ticket be purchased online or will I need to phone to make the arrangements (and probably giving up an hour or so while on hold waiting for the customer service rep). Thanks for any insight.



Commuting from East Lexington to Kendall Square

Question: Starting a new job. Looking for the least stressful way to go from East Lexington (near Toyota dealer) to Kendall area of Cambridge.

Answer: You could bike all the way, or to Alewife and then take the T. You could drive on 2A to 16, then take 38 (parallels 93) to 28, hitting traffic at the light on 16 near Medford Center and along 38, but the rest of the way will be pretty clear. Or you could take Rte. 76 or 62 bus to Alewife, followed by red line T to Kendall. Note that Rte. 76 bus is much faster than Rte 62 bus.


Commuting by Bike from East Lexington/Maple St. to Harvard Business School

Question: What is the distance / average time / best route for riding a bicycle from Lexington to the Harvard Business School campus?

Answer: Riding on the bikeway to Alewife and taking the T. from Lexington to Harvard that route is about 45 minutes (30 minutes biking, 15 minutes on the T).


Commuting to Boston

Question: Can someone briefly list the options for commuting from Lexington into Boston? To get to Alewife, for example, is the only choice the T (bus)?

Answer: You can ride on the bikeway to Alewife for 7.5 miles and then take the T. If you bike to Alewife, get a "Bike CharlieCard" which allows you to park your bike in the locked bike cage at Alewife. You can get those free at Alewife Station ([9]).

From Lexington you can take buses 62 or 76 tp Alewife. If you live close enough to Arlington Heights you can take the 77 bus to Porter or Harvard. If you live near Sutherland Park, the 78 and 84 buses are sometimes useful. To find out real time when a bus is supposed to appear, use [10].


Commuting to Longwood Hospitals in Boston

Question: My friend's newborn baby just had surgery at the Children's Hospital in Boston. It may be a long recovery so I will probably be making repeated visits. I've been a few times already and I just can't find a good route to get there. I've tried going 93 South to Storrow Drive, but I don't like having to drive through Kenmore Square and Storrow really backs up. I've also tried Route 2 past Fresh Pond but that seems a bit awkward. For those who make the trip frequently, would you mind sharing with me which way you choose to go? Also, any tips on times to avoid would be great. Thanks!

Answer: You can try Route 2 to Fresh Pond to Storrow. Take the Fenway/US 1 S exit (a few feet after the Kenmore exit). Bear right onto Boylston, then bear left on Brookline at the intersection of Boylston, Brookline & Park Dr. Then a left on Longwood.

Or you can try Rt 95 South then Rt 9 East. A little bit more miles but much easier to travel, if you avoid rush hours.


Driving to JFK Library from East Lexington

Question: Hello List,

I need to drive from East Lexington to the JFK Library arriving at 10:00 am and leaving there at 5:00 pm on a weekday. I did a trial run yesterday but since it was Sunday I am not sure what the traffic will be like during the week. I have a few questions for people who are familiar with this drive:

1). My GPS took me through Medford to 93--is that the way you would go?

2). What time should I leave to arrive at 10:00 am on a weekday?

3). How long will it take to get home if I leave there at 5:00? Does it make more sense to park at Alewife and take the T?

4). If I do elect to take the T how much time should I allot? I know you have to take a bus as well from the T stop.

Thanks a lot.


Taxicab transportation

Airport Transportation

Question: We need to get our family of 4 plus luggage to Logan. Which limo or taxi companies do people recommend? Thanks.



Review: A while back someone on the list reported that Uber is now in the Boston area. Uber is a car/taxi service that you summon with your phone (either kind works, smart or dumb). If you have a smart phone, there's an app that lets you type in your location (or it can just use your current location) and it will summon a car/taxi to you. If you have a dumb phone, you send a text with your current location (address) to Uber and they will respond with how long it will be before a car gets to you. I signed up for this a while back and finally got around to actually using it. I thought I'd share my experience with the list.

This was last Saturday morning. I texted my location and immediately (less than a minute I think) got back a response saying that it would be 10-15 minutes for a car to reach me. A text came back in 9 minutes that the car was arriving. Less than 1 minute later the car had arrived. So this was well within the 10 minutes estimated.

The trip is pretty much no hassle. When you arrive, you just get out. No signing anything, no paying (it goes on your Uber account which has a credit card associated with it), no tipping (it's included in the price), no nothing. Within a minute or two after I got out, I received another text message saying how much the trip had cost me. Later on that day, I checked my account on the web and it had all the details of the trip including a map showing the actual route (you can argue that's too much information, depending on which side of the NSA debate you're on, but let's not go there). The price of the ride was pretty much what I would have expected for the time/distance. You can also summon different levels of car (uber, taxi, black car, etc.)

Uber is really just a big electronic interface on top of existing taxi/car companies. I talked to the driver during the ride. He was actually driving a car for a Waltham company (not Harrison). When Uber gets "a call" they just farm it out to a local company(s) and whoever is the closest gets the trip. I'm pretty sure that Uber must require the taxi companies to put some extra GPS-tracking hardware in the cars, otherwise they wouldn't have had my exact route and known how much to bill me so quickly.

Uber also followed up within a few minutes with a text message asking me to rate my driver (1-5). I wish Harrison would let me rate their drivers. I gave mine a 5. When I received the initial text message saying how long it would be before my car arrived to pick me up, it also included the drivers name and his overall rating (1-5).

Overall this was a positive experience. I won't have need to use it very much, but I won't hesitate to when it is justified. It's not for everyone, especially if you don't do the text-message or smart-phone-app thing. But if you don't mind a little bit of automation, it seems like a pretty good service, at least for my one trip. I didn't have to wait on hold or push buttons to get through menu options as I would with Harrison. I don't mind Harrison, especially when I'm not paying for it, but this Uber thing seems like a pretty worthy service.
