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* CNN: [http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/25/politics/hillary-clinton-emails-david-petraeus-benghazi/index.html New Hillary Clinton email chain discovered], by Elise Labott and Ross Levitt (Sept 25, 2015)
* CNN: [http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/25/politics/hillary-clinton-emails-david-petraeus-benghazi/index.html New Hillary Clinton email chain discovered], by Elise Labott and Ross Levitt (Sept 25, 2015)
* New York Times: [http://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2015/09/25/marco-rubio-proposes-tax-credit-to-spur-paid-family-leave/ Marco Rubio Proposes Tax Credit to Spur Paid Family Leave], by Jeremy W. Peters (Sept 25, 2015)
* New York Times: [http://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2015/09/25/marco-rubio-proposes-tax-credit-to-spur-paid-family-leave/ Marco Rubio Proposes Tax Credit to Spur Paid Family Leave], by Jeremy W. Peters (Sept 25, 2015)
* New York Times: [http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/26/us/politics/donald-trump-sees-in-marco-rubio-a-new-rival-to-taunt-but-gets-plenty-of-salvos-in-return.html Donald Trump Sees in Marco Rubio a New Rival to Taunt, but Gets Plenty of Salvos in Return], by Jonathan Martin (Sept 24, 2015)
* Washington Post: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/who-had-the-worst-week-in-washington-donald-trump/2015/09/24/324fc5d4-62fe-11e5-b38e-06883aacba64_story.html Who had the worst week in Washington? Donald Trump.], by Chris Cillizza (Sept 24, 2015)
* Washington Post: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/who-had-the-worst-week-in-washington-donald-trump/2015/09/24/324fc5d4-62fe-11e5-b38e-06883aacba64_story.html Who had the worst week in Washington? Donald Trump.], by Chris Cillizza (Sept 24, 2015)
* Washington Post: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/is-hillary-clinton-getting-taller-or-is-the-internet-getting-dumber/2015/09/24/58af4dfa-5e33-11e5-9757-e49273f05f65_story.html Is Hillary Clinton getting taller? Or is the Internet getting dumber?], by Jay Mathews (Sept 23, 2015)
* Washington Post: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/is-hillary-clinton-getting-taller-or-is-the-internet-getting-dumber/2015/09/24/58af4dfa-5e33-11e5-9757-e49273f05f65_story.html Is Hillary Clinton getting taller? Or is the Internet getting dumber?], by Jay Mathews (Sept 23, 2015)

Revision as of 17:41, 28 September 2015

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