Nov 2014 Lex-Wiki.Org Candidate Questionnaire
Revision as of 14:40, 29 December 2014 by Andrei Radulescu-Banu (talk | contribs) (Initial revision)
For the Nov 4, 2014 special Lexington election, LexWiki has organized a questionnaire for the Board of Selectmen and the School Committee candidates.
Questions were solicited through the and mailing lists. The two questionnaires consist of about 20 items each. Candidates were asked to limit each item response to two or three paragraphs. Special thanks to the people who collaborated to make these questionnaires happen - and to the candidates, who took the time to respond.
Robert Rotberg (pdf)
Suzie Barry (pdf)
School Committee
Tom Diaz (pdf)
Bill Hurley (pdf)