Lex-Wiki.Org Candidate Questionnaires
For the Mar 2, 2015 Lexington election, LexWiki has organized a questionnaire for the Board of Selectmen, School Committee, Planning Board, Moderator and Housing Authority candidates.
Questions were solicited through the lex-polrel@yahoogroups.com and lexParents@yahoogroups.com mailing lists. Candidates were asked to limit each item response to two or three paragraphs. For each office, responses are listed in the order of their submission. We would like to thank the candidates, and to all who sent questions and suggestions.
School Committee
Bill Hurley
Jessie Steigerwald
Tom Diaz
Planning Board
Housing Authority
Leo McSweeney did not respond to the questionnaire - but here are the questions we asked him.
Previous Lex-Wiki.Org Questionnaires: Nov 2014 Selectmen and School Committee Special Elections.