Lexington Education Association
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Lexington's Teacher Union is called the Lexington Education Association (LEA). The LEA is affiliated with the MTA (Massachusetts Teachers Association) and the NEA (National Education Association.
- Homepage of the LEA
Union Membership
- Unit A of the LEA includes regular and special education teachers, nurses, counselors, librarians, technology integration specialists, social workers, psychologists, speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, and curriculum leaders.
- Unit C of the LEA includes Instructional Assistants
- The Lexington Educational Secretaries Association (LESA), sometimes referred to as LEA Unit D, includes school support personnel, administrative assistants, secretaries, clerks, registrars, bookkeepers and other clerical and office positions.
- The (smaller) Technology Unit of the LEA includes hardware, software, and networking specialists.
- Unit A Contract (Sept 1, 2012 – Aug 31, 2015)
- Unit C Contract (Aug 2008)
- Unit D Contract (July 2009), updated by the MOA Sideletter (2009)
- Technology Unit Contract (July 2005)
Old Contracts
- Unit A Contract (Sept 2009)
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- Local Politics
- Board Of Selectmen:Board Of Selectmen|Board Of Selectmen
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- School Committee
- School Committee:News 2015|In The News
- School Committee:Meetings 2015|Meetings
- School Committee:Public Records Requests|Public Records
- School Committee:Policies|Policies
- School Committee:Curriculum|Curriculum
- School Committee:Program Of Study|Program of Study
- School Committee:METCO|METCO
- School Committee:SPED|SPED
- School Committee:Stress|Stress
- School Committee:Lexington Education Association|LEA
- School Committee:Budget|Budget
- School Committee:Overrides|Overrides
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- School Committee:MA DOE Reports|MA DOE Reports
- School Committee:Office Holders|Office Holders
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