Lexington Birds

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Downy Woodpecker

%height:200px width:260px float:left text-align=center margin-top=5px margin-right=25px margin-bottom=5px margin-left=0% Attach:downy_woodpecker.jpg | Downy Woodpecker

  • Picoides pubescens
  • To 6 in (15 cm)


American Robin

%height:200px width:260px float:left text-align=center margin-top=5px margin-right=25px margin-bottom=5px margin-left=0% Attach:american_robin.jpg | American Robin

  • Turdus migratorius
  • To 11 in (28 cm)


American Goldfinch

%height:200px width:260px float:left text-align=center margin-top=5px margin-right=25px margin-bottom=5px margin-left=0% Attach:american_goldfinch.jpg | American Goldfinch

  • Spinus tristis
  • To 5 in (13 cm)


Red-winged Blackbird

%height:200px width:260px float:left text-align=center margin-top=5px margin-right=25px margin-bottom=5px margin-left=0% Attach:red_winged_blackbird.jpg | Red-winged Blackbird

  • Agelaius phoeniceus
  • To 9 in (23 cm)


Northern Cardinal

%height:200px width:260px float:left text-align=center margin-top=5px margin-right=25px margin-bottom=5px margin-left=0% Attach:northern_cardinal.jpg | Northern Cardinal

  • Cardinalis cardinalis
  • To 9 in (23 cm)


Black-capped Chickadee

%height:200px width:260px float:left text-align=center margin-top=5px margin-right=25px margin-bottom=5px margin-left=0% Attach:black_capped_chickadee.jpg | Black-capped Chickadee

  • Poecile atricapillus
  • To 6 in (15 cm)


External links